try this,,works in 6.35 pro b7 i'd ever tried to other version hope it will work if your psp has a vsh menu, first you must have a cable that can transfer your display into television that is via connected display settings... of coarse you dont know how to connect it because you got black screen right, here are the things you ca do turn off your psp then connect the cable now turn it on again wait about 5 seconds after the welcome sounds done now press left all the way until the clicking sound is gone then press down until the clicking sound is also gone then press up 4x or 4 clicking sound press the x or enter you will hear the warning sound then press 1 left or 1 clicking sound then press enter or x, now your display is on your television, ow if you have fast recover pro-b wait for reboot now press select botton make sure that your cpu clock xmb, cpu clock game is i default ow press the suspend device your psp will put on sleep the slide up or turn on your device now your done display on your psp go,, the reaso why your psp put into black its because the program bug so sometimes we need to stimulate it like a cardiac arrest defibrilize, or cpr... sorry for my bad english hope you got it