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Orijinal gönderinin sahibi: oldturkey03


Josiah, give this a try:"

# Hit <enter> to insert another list item, and <enter> twice in a row to end the list. To get subitems, repeat the bullet character once for each level of indent you want (e.g. ##)Turn car to ON II(radio powers up)
# Hit <enter> to insert another list item, and <enter> twice in a row to end the list. To get subitems, repeat the bullet character once for each level of indent you want (e.g. ##)Turn radio off
# Hit <enter> to insert another list item, and <enter> twice in a row to end the list. To get subitems, repeat the bullet character once for each level of indent you want (e.g. ##)
# Hold 1 & 6 buttons on radio
# Hit <enter> to insert another list item, and <enter> twice in a row to end the list. To get subitems, repeat the bullet character once for each level of indent you want (e.g. ##)While still holding 1 & 6, turn radio on
# Hit <enter> to insert another list item, and <enter> twice in a row to end the list. To get subitems, repeat the bullet character once for each level of indent you want (e.g. ##)Write down the 8digit number that should display

Call your Honda dealer and give them those numbers. Or just follow the directions [|on here.] Hope this helps, good luck.

