I do not believe a [http://store.apple.com/us/question/answers/product/MD861ZM/A/thunderbolt-to-vga/QKAUK29H9JD2YAFJ9|direct wire] would work - the signal would have to be converted with some sort of circuit.
I do not believe a [http://store.apple.com/us/question/answers/product/MD861ZM/A/thunderbolt-to-vga/QKAUK29H9JD2YAFJ9|direct wire] would work - the signal would have to be converted with some sort of [http://www.ebay.com/bhp/thunderbolt-to-vga-adapter|circuit].
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I do not believe a [http://store.apple.com/us/question/answers/product/MD861ZM/A/thunderbolt-to-vga/QKAUK29H9JD2YAFJ9|direct wire] would work - the signal would have to be converted with some sort of circuit.