when starting the car the temp. gauge jumps to red hot ....I've been driving the car for 15 minutes max. one way thinking that the car may overheat but so far the car seems normal at these short distances.
when starting the car the temp. gauge jumps to red hot ....I've been driving the car for 15 minutes max. one way thinking that the car may overheat but so far the car seems normal at these short distances.
when starting the car the temp. gauge jumps to red hot ....I've been driving the car for 15 minutes max. one way thinking that the car may overheat but so far the car seems normal at these short distances.
when starting the car the temp. gauge jumps to red hot ....I've been driving the car for 15 minutes max. one way thinking that the car may overheat but so far the car seems normal at these short distances.