I would start by following the TomTom guide here: [http://us.support.tomtom.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/24696/~/installing-maps-on-a-tomtom-device|Installing maps onto a TomTom device].
If you can't you'll need to speak with TomTom directly as the GoodGuys store redirected the purchase to TomTom's online download center. With your proof of purchase you should be able to get a fresh download of the map. If not you'll then need to contact the GoodGuys customer service to get a fresh link or your money back.
If you can't, you'll need to speak with TomTom customer service directly as the GoodGuys store redirected the purchase to TomTom's online download center. With your proof of purchase you should be able to get a fresh download of the map. If not you'll then need to contact the GoodGuys customer service to get a fresh link or your money back.
I would start by following the TomTom guide here: [http://us.support.tomtom.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/24696/~/installing-maps-on-a-tomtom-device|Installing maps onto a TomTom device].
If you can't you'll need to speak with TomTom directly as the GoodGuys store redirected the purchase to TomTom's online download center. With your proof of purchase you should be able to get a fresh download of the map. If not you'll then need to contact the GoodGuys customer service to get a fresh link or your money back.