No response from set up screen and doesn't seem to charge/initilize
When I switch on the Flip I see the screen with the FLip logo and it says hold record to setup - I do this but nothing happens other than the red light activates on the underside of the device, it then eventually powers down.
This happens if I plug into USB or from just switching it on, If I plug in Via USB then the white charging light flashes for a short while, but I never get to a record screen or any of the device settings, even if I press nothing the flip still follows the above cycle, intro screen, red light flashes then stays on then powers down.
When the unit powers down it will start up again so I don't think the battery is fully drained
I have reset via holing down the power button for 10 seconds and also through the hard reset in the bottom of the unit with a pin and the same thing happens over and over, I have also tried powering through a powerful USB charge socket to see if it woke the battery up.
If anyone has experienced this issue before and could help I would be grateful