I too had a similar experience with my P3P except battery still had around 30% and compass and gps all seemed to be normal until all the sudden i see just a brief clip (1-2 seconds max) of it spinning before the r/c lost connection with it completely and fell out of the sky. Weird thing was that it seemed to have lost the connection to the R/C before it ever hit the ground because the dji app still showed the aircraft at 167' when it lost connection but that maybe delay in the signal but i doubt it. Well needless to say that was high enough to cause some damage (less than expected but still bad). The case and battery seemed to of taken the brunt of the impact because the gimbal/camera were fine (minus some clips and mount plate) and only broke one prop. Battery was completely ruined and have a couple of grey wires slightly sticking out from where the case snaps together on one side so they may have disconnected from the M/B or cut (no copper showing which is good) but cant say for sure till i tear it down. Everything seems to power up fine but cant get it to connect to the controller with either the app method or manually with the controller. Does anyone know if the link between the controller and aircraft happen though a module that connects to the M/B or on the M/B itself? I'm really hoping its just that cable that sticking out needs to be reconnected or replaced or even replacing the whole radio BUT if i need to replace the whole m/b then I dont even want to waste my time. Any info would be appreciated!!