Did you bring your system to a real Apple Store or just a store or an authorized service center?
Did you bring your system to a real Apple Store or an Apple authorized service center?
You'll likely need to verify if the logic board and power supply where truly replaced. From the sounds of it I suspect your power supply and/or the logic board still has a problem.
You might want to also check your home's AC power. Things that can mess you up is bad power coming into your home from your utility as well as poor building grounding. You'll need to get an electrician to check your house wiring and see if you can get a power meter from your local utility.
You also want a good power strip for surge suppression. If you can swing it get a UPS.
Did you bring your system to a real Apple Store or just a store or an authorized service center?
You'll likely need to verify if the logic board and power supply where truly replaced. From the sounds of it I suspect your power supply and/or the logic board still has a problem.
You might want to also check your home's AC power. Things that can mess you up is bad power coming into your home from your utility as well as poor building grounding. You'll need to get an electrician to check your house wiring and see if you can get a power meter from your local utility.
You also want a good power strip for surge suppression. If you can swing it get a UPS.