PSP WiFi is 802.11b standard, and it doesn’t support WPA2, the newest encryption it support is WPA1. Most WiFi routers have abandoned these protocols altogether.
PSP WiFi is 802.11b standard, and it doesn’t support WPA2, the newest encryption it supports is WPA1. Most WiFi routers have abandoned these protocols altogether.
Some routers have greenfield 802.11n/ac mode, so it doesn’t support 802.11b/g. It can be turned off to allow legacy devices to work. Turn off WPA2 only mode and allow older encryption schemes.
This will make every device on your WiFi to be much slower and allows your WiFi to be easily hacked. Turn them back on once you are done.
PSP WiFi is 802.11b standard, and it doesn’t support WPA2, the newest encryption it support is WPA1. Most WiFi routers have abandoned these protocols altogether.
Some routers have greenfield 802.11n/ac mode, so it doesn’t support 802.11b/g. It can be turned off to allow legacy devices to work. Turn off WPA2 only mode and allow older encryption schemes.
This will make every device on your WiFi to be much slower and allows your WiFi to be easily hacked. Turn them back on once you are done.