i had a bad blue ray drive and was stuck on bootloop update what i did was take the battery out like some one on this thread suggested and this worked with the same hd that was on boot loop but since the blueray drive is not working i cant get muiltman working or rebug setting to even go in the menu when i try to start rebug tools box i get balck screen im a try to downgrade and use no blueray drive cfw found this yall ++https://www.psxhax.com/threads/bobbydowngrades-ps3-cfw-4-82-overflow-custom-firmware-collection.3080/++ Overflow 4.82 v5 cobra cex NoBd edition lets you update with out a blueray drive and its the latest firmware 4.82
i had a bad blue ray drive and was stuck on bootloop update what i did was take the battery out like some one on this thread suggested and this worked with the same hd that was on boot loop but since the blueray drive is not working i cant get muiltman working or rebug setting to even go in the menu when i try to start rebug tools box i get balck screen im a try to downgrade and use no blueray drive cfw
found this yall ++https://www.psxhax.com/threads/bobbydowngrades-ps3-cfw-4-82-overflow-custom-firmware-collection.3080/++ Overflow 4.82 v5 cobra cex NoBd edition lets you update with out a blueray drive and its the latest firmware 4.82
i had a bad blue ray drive and was stuck on bootloop update what i did was take the battery out like some one on this thread suggested and this worked with the same hd that was on boot loop but since the blueray drive is not working i cant get muiltman working or rebug setting to even go in the menu when i try to start rebug tools box i get balck screen im a try to downgrade and use no blueray drive cfw
i had a bad blue ray drive and was stuck on bootloop update what i did was take the battery out like some one on this thread suggested and this worked with the same hd that was on boot loop but since the blueray drive is not working i cant get muiltman working or rebug setting to even go in the menu when i try to start rebug tools box i get balck screen im a try to downgrade and use no blueray drive cfw found this yall ++https://www.psxhax.com/threads/bobbydowngrades-ps3-cfw-4-82-overflow-custom-firmware-collection.3080/++ Overflow 4.82 v5 cobra cex NoBd edition lets you update with out a blueray drive and its the latest firmware 4.82
i had a bad blue ray drive and was stock on bootloop update what i did was take the battery out like some one on this thread suggested and this woarked with the same hd that was on boot loop but since the blueray drive is not working i cant get muiltman working or rebug setting to even go in the meneu when i try to start rebug tools box i get balck screen im a try to downgrade and use no blueray drive cfw
i had a bad blue ray drive and was stuck on bootloop update what i did was take the battery out like some one on this thread suggested and this worked with the same hd that was on boot loop but since the blueray drive is not working i cant get muiltman working or rebug setting to even go in the menu when i try to start rebug tools box i get balck screen im a try to downgrade and use no blueray drive cfw
i had a bad blue ray drive and was stock on bootloop update what i did was take the battery out like some one on this thread suggested and this woarked with the same hd that was on boot loop but since the blueray drive is not working i cant get muiltman working or rebug setting to even go in the meneu when i try to start rebug tools box i get balck screen im a try to downgrade and use no blueray drive cfw