'''++Ian Sinclair++''' most commonly this could be caused by a stuck lens. Your camera will turn off if it cannot extend or retract the lens. Try some of the tricks discussed [http://camerarepair.blogspot.com/2007/12/fixing-lens-error-on-digital-camera.html|on here] Since parts etc. for lens assemblies are difficult to come by, I usually have better luck replacing the complete lens assembly
'''++Ian Sinclair++''' most commonly this could be caused by a stuck lens. Your camera will turn off if it cannot extend or retract the lens. Try some of the tricks discussed [https://wiki.restarters.net/Compact_cameras|on here] Since parts etc. for lens assemblies are difficult to come by, I usually have better luck replacing the complete lens assembly
'''++Ian Sinclair++''' most commonly this could be caused by a stuck lens. Your camera will turn off if it cannot extend or retract the lens. Try some of the tricks discussed [http://camerarepair.blogspot.com/2007/12/fixing-lens-error-on-digital-camera.html|on here] Since parts etc. for lens assemblies are difficult to come by, I usually have better luck replacing the complete lens assembly
'''++Ian Sinclair++''' most commonly this could be caused by a stuck lens. Your camera will turn off if it cannot extend or retract the lens. Try some of th tricks discussed http://camerarepair.blogspot.com/2007/12/fixing-lens-error-on-digital-camera.html|on here] Since partsd etc. for lens assemblies are difficult to come by, I usually have better luck repalcing the complete lens assembly
'''++Ian Sinclair++''' most commonly this could be caused by a stuck lens. Your camera will turn off if it cannot extend or retract the lens. Try some of the tricks discussed [http://camerarepair.blogspot.com/2007/12/fixing-lens-error-on-digital-camera.html|on here] Since parts etc. for lens assemblies are difficult to come by, I usually have better luck replacing the complete lens assembly
'''++Ian Sinclair++''' most commonly this could be caused by a stuck lens. Your camera will turn off if it cannot extend or retract the lens. Try some of th tricks discussed http://camerarepair.blogspot.com/2007/12/fixing-lens-error-on-digital-camera.html|on here] Since partsd etc. for lens assemblies are difficult to come by, I usually have better luck repalcing the complete lens assembly