I broke my DELL tablet a while ago by dropping it, and shen I picked it up, it had a HUGE crack from one corner of the screen to the other and it would ALWAYS keep registering THOUSANDS taps EVERYWHERE EVERY SECOND! And I lost and found it again and it is EXCRUSIATINGLY HARD TO TAP ANYTHING I WANT! And i’m wondering what the price rang would be. Plz answer really fast thanks you!
I broke my DELL tablet a while ago by dropping it, and shen I picked it up, it had a HUGE crack from one corner of the screen to the other and it would ALWAYS keep registering THOUSANDS taps EVERYWHERE EVERY SECOND! And I lost and found it again and it is EXCRUSIATINGLY HARD TO TAP ANYTHING I WANT! And i’m wondering what the price rang would be. Plz answer really fast thanks you!