Hi @benti,
@nybblelynx is right, unfortunately for you. You’ve got the drift. There are a lot of articles online about different ways to fix it, but [link|https://www.ifixit.com/News/51555/dont-bother-with-joy-con-drift-hacks-just-fix-it|we just published an article a few days ago that has the only real solution- just have to replace it.] I’ve replaced the joysticks to different left joy-con controllers, using this guide: [guide|113182|Left Joy-Con Joystick Replacement]. It took some patience, but it wasn’t terribly difficult. We also sell the individual part or a [product|IF378-015-3|full kit] to replace it.
Hopefully this helps you out and isn’t too much of an information overload! [br]
Happy fixing!