When Alexa Won’t connect to Wi-Fi then need to check the setting as Below
***Step1:*** Check your Internet association and web working with high data speed.
***Step2:*** Check your Power-cycle the wi-fi Router.
***Step3:*** Need to check the Power-Cycle of the Alexa gadget
***Step4:*** During the Alexa setting, give the all right detail of login
***Step5:*** Alexa Echo gadget is working (not be faulty)
***Step6:*** Need to Reposition the Alexa gadget as per your Wi-Fi.
***Step7:*** Need to Factory Reset the Alexa gadget
If still problem the [link|https://smartdevicehelpline.com/alexa-wont-connect-to-wi-fi/|Alexa Won’t connect to Wi-Fi] then you need to Amazon Alexa helpline.