So if it's not any of the usuals, it could also be that there is a board level issue preventing the flash sensor from communicating. there are some components related to that data in that area, I don't remember what the identifier for that sensor is in the logs.
A little digging makes me think that TP1A might also be related to one of the thermistors that are on the board. I have never fussed with them to know if they cause those same sort of 3 minute panic issues, but it's would make sense. One of them is located at the top right of the "wide" camera connector, which is the top one of the two. I think that's the one, you are referencing? They may be covered over by some silicone or other sort of protection. I don't have iPhone X board hand to check. Anything around connectors usually is, but if you peel away that coating I wonder if both the resistor and the capacitor here are intact. There are a couple other places those show up on the board, but this one makes the most sense.
Uploading some pictures of the damage you're looking at could certainly help point us in the correct direction as well. Which pin on the camera connector is the one that's the issue?
What was the initial problem you were fixing?