Ana içeriğe geç

Orijinal gönderinin sahibi: Bill Gilbert


This sounds like a failed/failing clutch.  As the clutch fails on these direct drive machines, it slips, and the spin speed starts to get lower and lower. Finally it won't spin at all because it cant release the brake (the clutch band does this when it slips it can't).  Right now it sounds like you are still getting spin out of it, but it is slipping so much that it doesn't get up to full speed, especially with a full load of wet clothes.  Since a second spin cycle does get the clothes more dry, what is likely going on is that the initial spin gets them part way, you run the spin again and now that the basket is lighter with some moisture removed, the slip on the clutch is reduced and the basket finally gets up to an acceptable spin speed. Since it still apparently spins, I don't believe it is the motor coupling or spiders.  Having owned one of these machines and having done assisted spins (to help it up to speed so the clutch wouldn't slip) I know this frustration.

