I don't know how easy it is, but here's the ifixit [guide|117133] guide that will help to gain access to the [link|https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Original-Encoder-Controller-Vorwerk-Thermomix/dp/B09XB93TDD|speed controller encoder switch] (example only to show possible cost)
Here's a link to another answer on ifixit that describes how to clean encoders but it was an easier to open type that what appears to be used in the Thermomix. [post|297828]
With encoder type switches usually it is a build up of gunk inside the switch that causes them to malfunction and opening them up and cleaning the switch contacts with an [link|https://crcindustries.com.au/crc-co-contact-cleaner-350g-2016/|electronic contact cleaner spray] (example only) usually restores its operation. Although looking at the switch image in the link above it doesn't appear to be as easy to open it as some other types of encoders.
With encoder type switches usually it is a build up of gunk inside the switch that causes them to malfunction and opening them up and cleaning the switch contacts with an [link|https://crcindustries.com.au/crc-co-contact-cleaner-350g-2016/|electronic contact cleaner spray] (example only) usually restores its operation. Although looking at the switch image in the link above it doesn't appear to be as easy to open it as some other types of encoders. Also the one in your device contains an on/off switch as well which makes it more difficult to clean.
If you decide to replace the selector switch, search online for ''Thermomix TM5 speed controller switch'' to find hopefully find other suppliers that may suit you better.
If you can't find a suitable supplier check if there's a part number on the switch itself, and try searching for that.
I don't know how easy it is, but here's the ifixit [guide|117133] guide that will help to gain access to the [link|https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Original-Encoder-Controller-Vorwerk-Thermomix/dp/B09XB93TDD|speed controller encoder switch] (example only to show possible cost)
Here's a link to another answer on ifixit that describes how to clean encoders but it was an easier to open type that what appears to be used in the Thermomix. [post|297828]
With encoder type switches usually it is a build up of gunk inside the switch that causes them to malfunction and opening them up and cleaning the switch contacts with an [link|https://crcindustries.com.au/crc-co-contact-cleaner-350g-2016/|electronic contact cleaner spray] (example only) usually restores its operation. Although looking at the switch image in the link above it doesn't appear to be as easy to open it as some other types of encoders.
If you decide to replace the selector switch, search online for ''Thermomix TM5 speed controller switch'' to find hopefully find other suppliers that may suit you better.
If you can't find a suitable supplier check if there's a part number on the switch itself, and try searching for that.
I don't know how easy it is, but here's the ifixit [guide|117133] guide that will help to gain access to the [link|https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Original-Encoder-Controller-Vorwerk-Thermomix/dp/B09XB93TDD|speed controller encoder switch] (example only to show possible cost)
Here's a link to another answer on ifixit that describes how to clean encoders but it was an easier to open type that what appears to be used in the Thermomix.
Here's a link to another answer on ifixit that describes how to clean encoders but it was an easier to open type that what appears to be used in the Thermomix. [post|297828]
With encoder type switches usually it is a build up of gunk inside the switch that causes them to malfunction and opening them up and cleaning the switch contacts with an [link|https://crcindustries.com.au/crc-co-contact-cleaner-350g-2016/|electronic contact cleaner spray] (example only) usually restores its operation. Although looking at the switch image in the link above it doesn't appear to be as easy to open it as some other types of encoders.
If you decide to replace the selector switch, search online for ''Thermomix TM5 speed controller switch'' to find hopefully find other suppliers that may suit you better.
I don't know how easy it is, but here's the ifixit [guide|117133] guide that will help to gain access to the [https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Original-Encoder-Controller-Vorwerk-Thermomix/dp/B09XB93TDD|speed controller encoder switch] (example only to show possible cost)
I don't know how easy it is, but here's the ifixit [guide|117133] guide that will help to gain access to the [link|https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Original-Encoder-Controller-Vorwerk-Thermomix/dp/B09XB93TDD|speed controller encoder switch] (example only to show possible cost)
With encoder type switches usually it is a build up of gunk inside the switch that causes them to malfunction and opening them up and cleaning the switch contacts with an [https://crcindustries.com.au/crc-co-contact-cleaner-350g-2016/|electronic contact cleaner spray] (example only) usually restores its operation. Although looking at the switch image in the link above it doesn't appear to be as easy to open it as some other types of encoders.
Here's a link to another answer on ifixit that describes how to clean encoders but it was an easier to open type that what appears to be used in the Thermomix.
With encoder type switches usually it is a build up of gunk inside the switch that causes them to malfunction and opening them up and cleaning the switch contacts with an [link|https://crcindustries.com.au/crc-co-contact-cleaner-350g-2016/|electronic contact cleaner spray] (example only) usually restores its operation. Although looking at the switch image in the link above it doesn't appear to be as easy to open it as some other types of encoders.
If you decide to replace the selector switch, search online for ''Thermomix TM5 speed controller switch'' to find hopefully find other suppliers that may suit you better.
Hi @carlospenas
I don't know how easy it is, but here's the ifixit [guide|117133] guide that will help to gain access to the [https://www.amazon.de/-/en/Original-Encoder-Controller-Vorwerk-Thermomix/dp/B09XB93TDD|speed controller encoder switch] (example only to show possible cost)
With encoder type switches usually it is a build up of gunk inside the switch that causes them to malfunction and opening them up and cleaning the switch contacts with an [https://crcindustries.com.au/crc-co-contact-cleaner-350g-2016/|electronic contact cleaner spray] (example only) usually restores its operation. Although looking at the switch image in the link above it doesn't appear to be as easy to open it as some other types of encoders.
If you decide to replace the selector switch, search online for ''Thermomix TM5 speed controller switch'' to find hopefully find other suppliers that may suit you better.