So today my phone stopped powering on, it only draws 5V at 0.21A, from what it sounds like the motherboard is bad, however is it possible that it could be the battery? If this is a mainboard problem, what could cause this? If anyone could maybe point me in the right direction, that would be great.[br]
Update: I am 99% certain it is a motherboard problem at this point. If anyone knows what I should check first or any advice at all please comment below.
So today my phone stopped powering on, it only draws 5V at 0.21A, from what it sounds like the motherboard is bad, however is it possible that it could be the battery? If this is a mainboard problem, what could cause this? If anyone could maybe point me in the right direction, that would be great.
So today my phone stopped powering on, it only draws 5V at 0.21A, from what it sounds like the motherboard is bad, however is it possible that it could be the battery? If this is a mainboard problem, what could cause this? If anyone could maybe point me in the right direction, that would be great.[br]
Update: I am 99% certain it is a motherboard problem at this point. If anyone knows what I should check first or any advice at all please comment below.
So today my phone stopped powering on, it only draws 5V at 0.21A, from what it sounds like the motherboard is bad, however is it possible that it could be the battery? If this is a mainboard problem, what could cause this? If anyone could maybe point me in the right direction, that would be great.
So today my phone stopped powering on, it only draws 5V at 0.21A, from what it sounds like the motherboard is bad, however is it possible that it could be the battery? If this is a mainboard problem, what could cause this? If anyone could maybe point me in the right direction, that would be great.