I removed the button dispenser lever assembly. Not easy to remove the bottom panel there is on torx screw in the corner..the 4 others are Philips then need to pry with force the. Bottom panel need to remove the heater assembly and cover of the button.
Now you see the button/lever assembly…use a screw driver to pry it loose from the plastic bracket that holds it…this is tough as you could break the holder bracket but fortunately it bends so you can pry the lever out.
Have pic that shows fix to lever. I used a dremel to drill a hole for a small screw to add strength and better contact to the release valve. Lastly quick acting JB Weld to add strength, often these parts are cracked.
Put all back and it works..about 1 hr of labor.
[post|583226|3 minutes ago|new_window=true] by [link|/User/4498770/david+mcnamara|david mcnamara|new_window=true] [link|#comment-952160|Edit|new_window=true] Delete