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Güncel sürümün sahibi: Nick


This is a classic solenoid failure on the old HP laser printers (the p2055 and Pro 400 largely fixed it permanently, but the p2035 and older are prone to bad solenoids). When the solenoids lock up, they lock the printer up and create a fatal failure :-(. They do not recover once it occurs - you have to replace (or replace the failing foam) all of the printer's solenoids. The problem is that the others tend to go out over time once one fails - yes, ONE. The good thing is you can replace the black foam to rebuild them for next to nothing - the solenoids rarely fail, but the foam fails. A thin self-adhesive fabric is all that you will generally need to do it - you do not want it to be too thick, but also not too thin. If you do not know what to look for, find a solenoid rebuild kit that will include the right type of foam so you know it will work.
There will be two or three per printer—two on the simplex models and three on the duplexing models.
For duplex models, refer to this guide to get to it and replace or rebuild it: [guide|53173]
For the Tray 2 pickup (the primary 250 sheet tray) it's located on the drive gear assembly - it's not like the 4000 series machines when they fail you can do it in 20 minutes. However, these are still relatively easy, and for how reliable these older models are, the repair is worth it, especially if you can replace the bad black foam yourself. Now, yes, you can buy rebuilt ones, but the rebuilt ones are typically used with replacement foam installed. If you can swap the foam, there's no reason to pay for a whole solenoid over faulty foam. The SM covers this (and the bypass feeder): [link||LJ 1320 SM|new_window=true].
هذه مشكلة شائعة في المحولات اللولبية (السلينويدات) في طابعات HP القديمة (طراز P2055 وطراز Pro 400 قد حلا المشكلة بشكل كبير، لكن طراز P2035 والطرازات الأقدم عرضة لخلل السايلينويد). عندما تعلق السايلينويدات، فإنها توقف الطابعة وتسبب فشلًا فادحًا :-(. لا تتعافى الطابعة بعد حدوث ذلك - يجب استبدال (أو استبدال الإسفنج المتعطل) جميع السايلينويدات في الطابعة. المشكلة هي أن السايلينويدات الأخرى غالبًا ما تتعطل بمرور الوقت بعد تعطل واحدة - نعم، واحدة. الخبر الجيد هو أنه يمكنك استبدال الإسفنج الأسود لإعادة بنائها مقابل لا شيء تقريبًا - السايلينويدات نادرًا ما تتعطل، ولكن الإسفنج هو الذي يتعطل. عادة ما ستحتاج إلى قماش لاصق رقيق فقط للقيام بذلك - لا تريد أن يكون سميكًا جدًا، ولكن أيضًا ليس رقيقًا جدًا. إذا لم تكن تعرف ما الذي تبحث عنه، ابحث عن مجموعة لإعادة بناء السايلينويد تحتوي على النوع الصحيح من الإسفنج حتى تعرف أنه سيتناسب.
ستكون هناك اثنان أو ثلاثة في كل طابعة—اثنان في الطرازات أحادية الجانب وثلاثة في الطرازات المزدوجة.
لطرازات الدوبلكس، راجع هذا الدليل للوصول إليها واستبدالها أو إعادة بنائها: [دليل|53173]
بالنسبة لالتقاط الدرج 2 (الدرج الأساسي بسعة 250 ورقة) فهو موجود على مجموعة التروس المحركة - ليس مثل طرازات السلسلة 4000 حيث يمكنك إصلاحه في 20 دقيقة. ومع ذلك، هذه الطرازات لا تزال سهلة نسبيًا، وبالنظر إلى مدى موثوقية هذه الطرازات القديمة، فإن الإصلاح يستحق العناء، خاصة إذا كنت تستطيع استبدال الإسفنج الأسود المتعطل بنفسك. نعم، يمكنك شراء قطع غيار معاد تجديدها، لكن القطع المعاد تجديدها عادة ما تكون مستخدمة مع الإسفنج البديل المثبت. إذا كنت تستطيع تبديل الإسفنج، فلا يوجد سبب لدفع ثمن السايلينويد كاملًا بسبب الإسفنج التالف. يغطي دليل الخدمة هذا (وأيضًا جهاز التغذية العابر): دليل الخدمة LJ 1320.
دليل الخدمة LJ 1320:



Düzenleyen: Nick


This is a classic solenoid failure on the old HP laser printers (the p2055 and Pro 400 largely fixed it permanently, but the p2035 and older are prone to bad solenoids). When the solenoids lock up, they lock the printer up and create a fatal failure :-(. They do not recover once it occurs - you have to replace (or replace the failing foam) all of the printer's solenoids. The problem is that the others tend to go out over time once one fails - yes, ONE. The good thing is you can replace the black foam to rebuild them for next to nothing - the solenoids rarely fail, but the foam fails. A thin self-adhesive fabric is all that you will generally need to do it - you do not want it to be too thick, but also not too thin. If you do not know what to look for, find a solenoid rebuild kit that will include the right type of foam so you know it will work.
There will be two or three per printer—two on the simplex models and three on the duplexing models.
For duplex models, refer to this guide to get to it and replace or rebuild it: [guide|53173]
For the Tray 2 pickup (the primary 250 sheet tray) it's located on the drive gear assembly - it's not like the 4000 series machines when they fail you can do it in 20 minutes. However, these are still relatively easy, and for how reliable these older models are, the repair is worth it, especially if you can replace the bad black foam yourself. Now, yes, you can buy rebuilt ones, but the rebuilt ones are typically used with replacement foam installed. If you can swap the foam, there's no reason to pay for a whole solenoid over faulty foam. The SM covers this (and the bypass feeder): [link||LJ 1320 SM|new_window=true].
+هذه مشكلة شائعة في المحولات اللولبية (السلينويدات) في طابعات HP القديمة (طراز P2055 وطراز Pro 400 قد حلا المشكلة بشكل كبير، لكن طراز P2035 والطرازات الأقدم عرضة لخلل السايلينويد). عندما تعلق السايلينويدات، فإنها توقف الطابعة وتسبب فشلًا فادحًا :-(. لا تتعافى الطابعة بعد حدوث ذلك - يجب استبدال (أو استبدال الإسفنج المتعطل) جميع السايلينويدات في الطابعة. المشكلة هي أن السايلينويدات الأخرى غالبًا ما تتعطل بمرور الوقت بعد تعطل واحدة - نعم، واحدة. الخبر الجيد هو أنه يمكنك استبدال الإسفنج الأسود لإعادة بنائها مقابل لا شيء تقريبًا - السايلينويدات نادرًا ما تتعطل، ولكن الإسفنج هو الذي يتعطل. عادة ما ستحتاج إلى قماش لاصق رقيق فقط للقيام بذلك - لا تريد أن يكون سميكًا جدًا، ولكن أيضًا ليس رقيقًا جدًا. إذا لم تكن تعرف ما الذي تبحث عنه، ابحث عن مجموعة لإعادة بناء السايلينويد تحتوي على النوع الصحيح من الإسفنج حتى تعرف أنه سيتناسب.
+ستكون هناك اثنان أو ثلاثة في كل طابعة—اثنان في الطرازات أحادية الجانب وثلاثة في الطرازات المزدوجة.
+لطرازات الدوبلكس، راجع هذا الدليل للوصول إليها واستبدالها أو إعادة بنائها: [دليل|53173]
+بالنسبة لالتقاط الدرج 2 (الدرج الأساسي بسعة 250 ورقة) فهو موجود على مجموعة التروس المحركة - ليس مثل طرازات السلسلة 4000 حيث يمكنك إصلاحه في 20 دقيقة. ومع ذلك، هذه الطرازات لا تزال سهلة نسبيًا، وبالنظر إلى مدى موثوقية هذه الطرازات القديمة، فإن الإصلاح يستحق العناء، خاصة إذا كنت تستطيع استبدال الإسفنج الأسود المتعطل بنفسك. نعم، يمكنك شراء قطع غيار معاد تجديدها، لكن القطع المعاد تجديدها عادة ما تكون مستخدمة مع الإسفنج البديل المثبت. إذا كنت تستطيع تبديل الإسفنج، فلا يوجد سبب لدفع ثمن السايلينويد كاملًا بسبب الإسفنج التالف. يغطي دليل الخدمة هذا (وأيضًا جهاز التغذية العابر): دليل الخدمة LJ 1320.
+دليل الخدمة LJ 1320:



Düzenleyen: Nick


-This is a classic solenoid failure on the old HP laser printers (the p2055 and Pro 400 largely fixed it permanently, but the p2035 and older are prone to bad solenoids). When the solenoids lock up, they lock the printer up and create a fatal failure :-(. They do not recover once it occurs - you have to replace all of the major solenoids in the printer once it occurs on one, as the others tend to go once you lose one to this failure. The good thing is you can replace the black foam to rebuild them for next to nothing - the solenoids rarely fatally fail, but the foam goes bad.
+This is a classic solenoid failure on the old HP laser printers (the p2055 and Pro 400 largely fixed it permanently, but the p2035 and older are prone to bad solenoids). When the solenoids lock up, they lock the printer up and create a fatal failure :-(. They do not recover once it occurs - you have to replace (or replace the failing foam) all of the printer's solenoids. The problem is that the others tend to go out over time once one fails - yes, ONE. The good thing is you can replace the black foam to rebuild them for next to nothing - the solenoids rarely fail, but the foam fails. A thin self-adhesive fabric is all that you will generally need to do it - you do not want it to be too thick, but also not too thin. If you do not know what to look for, find a solenoid rebuild kit that will include the right type of foam so you know it will work.
There will be two or three per printer—two on the simplex models and three on the duplexing models.
For duplex models, refer to this guide to get to it and replace or rebuild it: [guide|53173]
For the Tray 2 pickup (the primary 250 sheet tray) it's located on the drive gear assembly - it's not like the 4000 series machines when they fail you can do it in 20 minutes. However, these are still relatively easy, and for how reliable these older models are, the repair is worth it, especially if you can replace the bad black foam yourself. Now, yes, you can buy rebuilt ones, but the rebuilt ones are typically used with replacement foam installed. If you can swap the foam, there's no reason to pay for a whole solenoid over faulty foam. The SM covers this (and the bypass feeder): [link||LJ 1320 SM|new_window=true].



Düzenleyen: Nick


-This is a classic solenoid failure on the old HP laser printers (the p2055 and Pro 400 largely fixed it permanently, but the p2035 and older are prone to bad solenoids. When the solenoids lock up, they lock the printer up and create a fatal failure :-(. They do not recover once it occurs - you basically have to replace all of the major solenoids in the printer once it occurs on one as the others tend to go once you lose one to this failure. The good thing is you can replace the black foam to rebuild them for next to nothing - the solenoids almost never fatally fail, it's the foam which goes bad.
+This is a classic solenoid failure on the old HP laser printers (the p2055 and Pro 400 largely fixed it permanently, but the p2035 and older are prone to bad solenoids). When the solenoids lock up, they lock the printer up and create a fatal failure :-(. They do not recover once it occurs - you have to replace all of the major solenoids in the printer once it occurs on one, as the others tend to go once you lose one to this failure. The good thing is you can replace the black foam to rebuild them for next to nothing - the solenoids rarely fatally fail, but the foam goes bad.
-There's going to be 2 or 3 per printer - 2 on the simplex models, 3 on the duplexing models.
+There will be two or three per printer—two on the simplex models and three on the duplexing models.
For duplex models, refer to this guide to get to it and replace or rebuild it: [guide|53173]
-For the Tray 2 pickup (the primary 250 sheet tray) it's located on the drive gear assembly - it's not like the 4000 series machines when they fail you can do it in 20 minutes, but these are still relatively easy and for how reliable these older models are the repair is worth it, especially if you can replace the bad black foam yourself. Now yes you can buy rebuilt ones, but the rebuilt ones are typically used with replacement foam installed. If you can do the foam swap yourself, there's no reason to pay for a whole solenoid over faulty foam. The SM covers this (and the bypass feeder): [|LJ 1320 SM|new_window=true].
+For the Tray 2 pickup (the primary 250 sheet tray) it's located on the drive gear assembly - it's not like the 4000 series machines when they fail you can do it in 20 minutes. However, these are still relatively easy, and for how reliable these older models are, the repair is worth it, especially if you can replace the bad black foam yourself. Now, yes, you can buy rebuilt ones, but the rebuilt ones are typically used with replacement foam installed. If you can swap the foam, there's no reason to pay for a whole solenoid over faulty foam. The SM covers this (and the bypass feeder): [link||LJ 1320 SM|new_window=true].



Orijinal gönderinin sahibi: Nick


This is a classic solenoid failure on the old HP laser printers (the p2055 and Pro 400 largely fixed it permanently, but the p2035 and older are prone to bad solenoids. When the solenoids lock up, they lock the printer up and create a fatal failure :-(. They do not recover once it occurs - you basically have to replace all of the major solenoids in the printer once it occurs on one as the others tend to go once you lose one to this failure. The good thing is you can replace the black foam to rebuild them for next to nothing - the solenoids almost never fatally fail, it's the foam which goes bad.

There's going to be 2 or 3 per printer - 2 on the simplex models, 3 on the duplexing models.

For duplex models, refer to this guide to get to it and replace or rebuild it: [guide|53173]

For the Tray 2 pickup (the primary 250 sheet tray) it's located on the drive gear assembly - it's not like the 4000 series machines when they fail you can do it in 20 minutes, but these are still relatively easy and for how reliable these older models are the repair is worth it, especially if you can replace the bad black foam yourself. Now yes you can buy rebuilt ones, but the rebuilt ones are typically used with replacement foam installed. If you can do the foam swap yourself, there's no reason to pay for a whole solenoid over faulty foam. The SM covers this (and the bypass feeder): [|LJ 1320 SM|new_window=true].

