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Released June 2009 / 2.66, 2.8, or 3.06 GHz Core 2 Duo Processor

301 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

Pls help! MBP Won't turn on, no chime, no noise.

I really your help here. I have MacBook Pro 15 mid 2009 A1286 unibody. I was using it and screen disappeared on me. I tried to turn back on but no noise, no chime or no lights on keyboards.

I tried put on charge and yes it's genuine 85w apple charger but nothing happened. I pulled the battery out and tried to fire up just with MagSafe. Nothing again.

Tried SMC reset.

Tried another new 85w MagSafe

Even put in new Anker battery.

All the connector on logic board are visible, I unplugged them and reconnected em already.

When I plugged the charge I get green light on the connector and it also turns orange like it supposed to do and after while it turned green. Means new battery was charged up. And the side bar shows all green lights but as soon as I unplug the MagSafe. It's shows no charger on the sidebar. And the battery that was charged up for hours show no life on the side bar check. MBP is not booting at all.

Also tried 10 second push down with and without the battery and MagSafe. But no luck.

Also tried Ram pulling out one by one and pushing power button for 10 seconds but no luck.

There is no apple store around here up in North of Alberta. I have to go 6 hour drive. Only thing I can do is order parts and replace one bye one.

Please help me out. All of you wonderful and knowledgeable people. I thank you in advance for your time.


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Hey MrMann911---Are you up for grabbing your multimeter and doing some motherboard troubleshooting? I can take a stab at walking you through it if you want to give it a shot.

It sounds to me like what you're really asking is "Does my laptop failure fit any commonly known patterns of failure, hopefully with an easy DIY solution" and the answer to that is "no. and no."

But that doesn't mean it's not repairable. If you've got a working multimeter and some screwdrivers we can do some investigating together. I can point you to where the information is, but I can't serve it up on a platter. If you're game, let me know.

Step one: open that sucker up. You'll need to figure out what motherboard you have. Start unscrewing and disconnecting things. You'll find a number that is not on the DC in board, but on the motherboard itself. What is this number? 820-2532 or 820-2523?


Thanks for replying. Sorry for replying late cos I work 12 hour shift for straight 11 days and off for 3. I will buy the multimeter and will open up logic board. I did look through some pages and I tried to power up without power button and I didn't have multimeter and didn't wanna short circuit. I have a picture but not an actual pic of my own Mother board. I will open up and follow up your suggestion or the links if you have for me.

Thank you so much for your effort Man.

My MBP looks like 15" mid 2009 one.

And this one doest have 2 pads to power up and bit risky cos I could short other pins up.


Sorry I just realized! Thank you miss!


I had the same problem. Tried your link to find the power pads and it fired right up, was told it needed a logic board but just needs a keyboard. Thanks


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From the sounds of it I suspect you have possibly two problems here.

The first is the charger circuit is not charging the battery. That explains why the battery tester LED's show a charged state when you have the AC adapter connected, but then don't show up when the AC adapter is removed.

But that doesn't explain why your fresh battery still couldn't startup your system. Are you sure it was charged? It's possible it wasn't. You'll need a second system to use as a tester and charger for your batteries do you have access? If you do try swapping out a known fully charged battery to your system. Did the battery tester LED's light up correctly? If so then try turning your system on. Did it show any sign of life? If not thats not good ;-{

Did you spill something into the system or bang it?

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Hi Dan thanks for replying man. No I didn't spill anything and didn't bang it up either. Matter fact I was sitting on the couch when it died on me. I was assuming that it needed battery replacement since it's been while and it was the apple battery , it came with.

And No I don't have other source to check if battery is being charged. I'm guessing cos when I put on charger, on connector orange light came up after green. And after few hours again light came up. That means battery was charged. And I took off MagSafe and the side lights went away same time. Later also I noticed sometimes the green light on the connector wouldn't turn on after so long. How to tell if it's not charging battery.


If macbook is not charging the battery then what do I need to replace?

Do you think something wrong with power button.


Battery tester was showing all the light indicators. But when I took off MagSafe connector, battery tester lights went away too. So either battery is not getting charged or logic board is not responding.


You need to find a second system like yours to charge the battery. I suspect the logic board has some damage but without a good and charged battery to test things one can't isolate things down without a voltmeter do you have one and know how to use it?


Dan I need to purchase one. I will purchase on my day off. What's your suggestion I should do with multimeter?


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Sorry if you've already done this, but you should be able to reconnect the battery. I've had the same issue on my MacBook Pro, and that fixed it.

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