Try this:
Turn camera off. Remove lens, battery, memory card.
Press and hold down shutter release for 30 seconds.
Insert in following order:
Insert battery; try turning on camera; if no response, turn camera switch to off again go to next step;
Insert Lens; try turning on camera;
Should be working at this point. If you now insert the card and get the same problem again, try a different card. Also try formatting the problem card.
My card wouldn't format in a PC but did successfully format with the camera.
As the Canon tech explained, this process clears the camera of any corrupted data and error messages. It is often caused by cards that are not functioning optimally.
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2 Yorum
i have got same problem . i consulted with the technician , he said i have to change the mainboard which cost me around 500$(too expensive) . . i also searched in youtube for repair. as in the video it used to happen due to breakage of communication of mainboard and battery due to small screw , and that screw we have to tight as per video suggestion. i still what to do ? please give me good suggestion.
surabhu thapa tarafından
Can you post a link to that specific video?
sienkowskidariusz tarafından