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The Jeep Grand Cherokee was redesigned for the 1999 model year; the 2000 models have minimal changes. This model is also known as Jeep WJ.

93 Soru Tümünü görüntüle

99 Jeep Grand Cherokee, outside handle won't open, inside child safety

I have a 99 Jeep Grand Cherokee and the outside handle won't open door. So I was able to open from inside and the handle on inside opened door. But now the child safety lock engaged. Now it will not open from inside or outside. Is there a way to disengage the child safety lock easily with our removing inside since the door is panel is shut not accessible to remove. It is rear passenger door.

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Unfortunately there's no easy way to get into the door with it stuck shut. You may have to remove the seat to allow you to remove the door panel and gain access. On the upside while you have it open it would be an ideal time to get the exterior handle working again.

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Christopher Cullip sonsuza kadar minnettar olacak.
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