Cuisinart PowerPrep Plus DLC-2014CHB
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This is a food processor released by Cuisinart in 2014. It features one main motor to spin the rotator blades in the processor. In order to activate the motors, the cup attachment must be placed onto the food processor for safety purposes—there is a small weight activated button on the top surface of the processor. The cup attachment, not pictured, has a volume of 14 cups . The food processor has a secondary, alternate speed for dough mixing. It is currently discontinued and no longer for sale. There have not been any known manufacture recalls since its release.
To identify your product, look for the serial number "DLC-2014CHB" on the bottom of the food processor.
Technical Specifications
- Around 1.5KG/4LBS in weight
- Draws between 750 to 1250 watts when motor is spinning/in use (depends on the mode: dough, normal, pulse).
- Operating temperature range: N/A; does not heat up