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Bu teardown bir tamir kılavuzu değildir. Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge cihazınızı onarmak için, servis kılavuzumuzu kullanın.

  1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解, 拆解三星盖乐世S6 Edge: adım 1, 1 resimden 1.
    • 这部手机有很多值得关注的地方,6处重大升级包括:

    • 5.1英寸Super AMOLED 电容触摸屏(1440 x 2560,~577 ppi,1600M色)

    • 搭载三星Exynos 7 Octa 7420 处理器及协 Mali-T760 GPU,以及3GB内存。

    • 1600万后置摄像头,具有HDR,LED补光以及4K 视频录制功能。

    • 内建支持Qi及Powermat无线充电。

    • 32/64/128 GB存储可选(无MicroSD拓展)。

    • 康宁大猩猩4代玻璃后盖。

    Why have a fake picture of the phone for this??

    iliketurtuls - Yanıt

    Yeah omg i just noticed it!

    allafman5 -

    Good question.

    HakanEr -

    Wait, what? Which picture?

    Lucas Gallindo -

    I am so sick of being told no by manufacturers when it comes to repairs. The argument about needing to design a device this way to make it thin is a big fat lie.

    gallardo - Yanıt

    Isn't the reversion to usb 2.0 for the rapid charging to work?

    codycowgill - Yanıt

  2. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 2, 3 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 2, 3 resimden 2. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 2, 3 resimden 3.
    • S6 Edge给我们的感觉确实很惊艳。圆滑的曲线及犀利的显示屏,S6放在手掌上就像拿着一个游泳池。

    • 除了感觉有点不符合人体工学,而且像一个指纹收集器。

    • 一眼就能看两侧曲面显示的推送信息,它提供了所有你想要的重要信息,天气以及推送消息。

    • 此时正放在桌面上,你能在这个角度看到内容(虽然有些奇怪)。欢迎来到未来!

    • 我们凑近观察距离和手势传感器,以及前置摄像头——全部都封装在曲面大猩猩玻璃内。

  3. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 3, 3 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 3, 3 resimden 2. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 3, 3 resimden 3.
    • 新盖乐世的边缘依然是扬声器和话筒,以及耳机插孔和USB 2.0端口。

    • 看起来很眼熟

    • 大家熟悉的心率检测在LED补光下方可见,后置摄像头旁边。

    • 不幸的是,有用户发现传感器出现问题

    • 第二麦克风被安置在顶部边缘,连同红外发射器及SIM卡槽。

  4. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 4, 3 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 4, 3 resimden 2. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 4, 3 resimden 3.
    • 现在来看看这个最前沿设备的后盖。刻着型号:SM-G925T。现在开始动手拆后盖。

    • 三星公司在S6和S6 Edge上增加了时尚的元素,使用了无螺丝固定的玻璃后盖。这并不是我们首次见到这样的设计风格。

    • 固定后盖的粘合胶看起来牢不可破,而且与框架之间的缝隙无懈可击。即使已经耐心地用iOpened加热过,我们又使用了压力吸盘和塑料撬片。这过程一点都不好玩。

    • 三星S5以后就再也不能用户自行更换电池啦。

  5. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 5, 2 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 5, 2 resimden 2.
    • 我们的塑料撬片在开启过程中起了很大作用。

    • 尽管我们的薄片在这块玻璃的边缘还是遇到了麻烦。

    • 在老朋友iOpener大量的帮助下——全神贯注——我们终于绕边缘划了一周。

    • 后盖终于(好吧,其实是基本上)卸下来了。在下面我们发现有一点还粘附着……但是我们无法用手直接操作。


    jdhdhhwh36 - Yanıt

  6. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 6, 3 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 6, 3 resimden 2. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 6, 3 resimden 3.
    • 念一个魔咒(再用一点力),满是粘合胶的面板终于完全从手机上分离下来了。

    • 面板拆下以后,很容易撕掉上面的粘合胶。不过在金属中框上还残留了一些胶条。

    • 当我们得知S6/S6 Edge使用玻璃后盖时,我们仿佛回溯到2011年;不过在我们精密地压力测试后,四年之后的进步很大。

  7. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 7, 3 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 7, 3 resimden 2. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 7, 3 resimden 3.
    • 先代盖乐世手机——甚至包括去年的“拆解挑战”盖乐世S5——我们是可以直接用指甲卸下电池的。

    • 看样子三星公司是想让我们继续沮丧下去,电池被掩埋在中框里。

    • 用我们的老朋友,螺丝刀及塑料开启工具,将其插入缝隙中以帮助开启手机。无论如何我们在和粘合胶的较量中胜利了——中框很容易被打开了,露出的罩子下面满是胜利果实。

  8. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 8, 2 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 8, 2 resimden 2.
    • 随着中框被卸下来,我们终于可以一睹电池和主板的尊容了。

    • 我们内心是崩溃的。电池仍然卸不下来,压在主板下面。

    • 此时,我们通常会习惯性的先将拓展内存卸下来,也就是MicroSD卡。那么它在哪?哦,对了,三星公司已经把它干掉了。如果你需要额外的存储,那你最好直接买一个大容量的,因为无法扩充容量。

    • 中框中填满了“糖果”——成吨的触点,一个NFC/无线充电线圈以及一个扬声器。

    • 我们很乐意现在就取出电池观察一下,然而此刻我们必须先解决如何从主板上拔下它的连接。

    Very detailed information

    Glennick - Yanıt

    Where is the Baseband chip? inside the SoC?

    Han Han - Yanıt

    I fix phones for a living, and today I ran across what seems to be a later revision of this phone that has BIG PROBLEMS here. The screws on either side of the charging port are missing from this one - the antenna runs straight across and the screw holes are gone. On the inside, the plastic part of the speaker includes an extra bracket that basically has the charging port sandwiched between the housing and the speaker. There's also a screw holding the headset jack to the front housing that can't be removed until the rear housing is off.

    The end result is that taking this other version apart will probably result in the charging port flex destroying itself and the need to replace the back housing and speaker.

    The model number on this one was SMG925VZWA, a US Verizon version. I didn't have any other ones handy to compare the model number, but you can definitely see the difference once the back glass is off. If those screw holes are missing, be VERY careful taking it apart, and expect to need more parts.

    tvsian - Yanıt

  9. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 9, 2 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 9, 2 resimden 2.
    • 在中框上的贴片天线,如此可爱。

    • 三星一贯的风格,天线是通过超声波焊接到中框上以保证稳定性,还能节省空间。

    • 我们还在中框发现一个为电源键而留的孔。

    Space continuum cracked me up.

    Shak Akhtar - Yanıt

    Me too! I had to do a double read it made me laugh out loud!

    Laura Crittenden - Yanıt

    whats the function of the golden belt lining that touches the black cover on 2 ends and goes round the camera

    Tanaka Wutaunashe - Yanıt

  10. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 10, 3 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 10, 3 resimden 2. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 10, 3 resimden 3.
    • 将所有的连接器都撬开后,主板差不多要从显示框架上自由了——和我们首次在盖乐世S5上见到的一样,不可靠的反向IO板连接。

    • 我们从主板上拔下了后置摄像头一看究竟,这块板子上的芯片:

    • 华邦电子(Winbond) W25Q32FW 系列闪存

    • 应美盛(InvenSense) IDG-2030 用于光学稳定的双轴陀螺仪

    • 1600万像素的OIS后置摄像头和500万自拍摄像头。

    Could the galaxy s7(/edge) camera possibly fit in the galaxy s6(/edge)??

    Thomas Konrad - Yanıt

  11. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 11, 1 resimden 1.
    • ChipWorks在他们的最近的盖乐世 S6 分析中指出,看起来在三星的旗舰手机中越来越多的芯片源于in-house模式。在主板的前侧,可以看到:

    • 三星 Exynos 7420 Octa-core 处理器 - 64位, 2.1 GHz 四核 + 1.5 GHz 四核, 及三星 K3RG3G30MM-DGCH 3 GB LPDDR4 RAM

    • 三星 KLUBG4G1BD 32GB NAND 闪存

    • 思佳讯(Skyworks) 78041 混合多模多频 (MMMB) 前端模块 (FEM)

    • 安华高(Avago) AFEM-9020 PAM

    • 欧胜微电子(Wolfson Microelectronics )WM1840 音频解码及美信(Maxim) MAX98505 DG级音频放大器

    • 三星 N5DDPS3 - 类似在盖乐世S6上发现的N5DDPS2 , 可能是NFC控制器

    • 应美盛(InvenSense) MP65M 6轴加速 + 陀螺仪,及三星 C2N89U (可能是图形处理器)

    Does the phone support MHL? I did not see the chip for MHL like S5

    seashoresilence - Yanıt

    Which is charge ic???

    Mojtaba - Yanıt

  12. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 12, 1 resimden 1.
    • 将主板翻过来能看到更多控制系硬件及电源管理IC:

    • 三星Shannon 928 RF 收发器

    • 博通(Broadcom) BCM4773 GNSS 定位中心

    • 安华高(Avago) ACPM-7007 PAM

    • 美信(Maxim) MAX77843 协电源管理集成电路

    • 多个三星Shannon电源管理集成电路

  13. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 13, 2 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 13, 2 resimden 2.
    • 玻璃背板和粘得很牢固的电池?三星你是不是偷师了苹果?

    • 不管怎样苹果已经放弃了这么干。没有方便的易拉胶意味着你每次打开都要重新贴一次这讨人厌的胶条。

    • 考虑到电池旁边的标记,我们觉得三星知道这有多痛苦。

    HAHAHAHAHAHA now THAT was hilarious :D

    bigtity007 - Yanıt

    I loved the jokes. Thanks guys for making this article so fun

    Marcos Rodrigues - Yanıt

  14. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 14, 2 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 14, 2 resimden 2.
    • 去掉了胶以后,我们可以好好看看这个 3.85 V, 10.01 Wh的电池

    • 三星从Galaxy S5的2800 mAh电池后退了一步,回到了我们在S4上看到的2600 mAh电池。

    • 尽管采用了更小的电池,一些评论者发现Edge的电池寿命比其平庸的前任稍长一些。

    • 三星宣称Edge的电池可提供12小时的LTE上网时间,26小时的3G WCDMA通话时间以及长达58小时的音乐播放。

    • 这是新鲜的新闻。真的,看看日期。

  15. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 15, 3 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 15, 3 resimden 2. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 15, 3 resimden 3.
    • 这看起来又是退了一大步,S6 Edge放弃了S5上和闪电一样快的Micro-B USB 3.0接口而转向了普通的microUSB(2.0)接口。

    • 由于Micro-B USB 3.0端口向后兼容了标准的USB 1.x / 2.0 micro-B接口,因此我们搞不懂这一点。除了稍微节省了空间之外,似乎没有任何好处 - 当然没有证据证明数据传输速率降低了90%。

    • 欢迎来到2000年。

    Any change we can replace this with S5's USB 3 module? :)

    NTN Labs - Yanıt

    With the very least frame modding and loss of headphone jack. If you use the s5 modular cable. If it will even plug in or work.

    David Allen -

    hey can you tell me what that tiny little ribbon is that leads off to the small circuit. top right corner in picture number two above. I broke that little ribbon and guy off I really need that to part...what does it do.

    chris - Yanıt

  16. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 16, 3 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 16, 3 resimden 2. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 16, 3 resimden 3.
    • 我们让Edge躺在 iOpener下面,希望它起来的时候神清气爽顺便释放些胶水。

    • 让我们举起玻璃杯。。。等等,这是正常的吗?

    • 看起来撬进这弯曲的显示屏意味着我们只是把它分开了一点点。哎呀呀。

    • 据三星透露,这种弧形玻璃是由3D热成型工艺(一种加热并成型玻璃的工艺)制成的。虽然它看起来很漂亮,但是它的代价是八倍的成本。是的,由于低良率,原来只要3美元的部件现在需要三星付出高达26美元的成本。

    • 最近的一份报告称三星的曲面玻璃供应商的良率只有50%,这对环境来说是相当可怕的。地球上的制造业已经够粗糙了,这意味着他们必须为每部手机制造两个屏幕。

    Did you just break the screen? Does it still work? If it doesn't is there any way to replace the home button without breaking the display?

    Alexandru Voda - Yanıt

    My screen is cracked and I really don't want to pay 200 dollars for it to be fixed. Is it really impossible to replace just the glass without breaking the digitizer?

    Jacob Bilek -

    repair-ability is a 3 when the apple watch got a 5 where the majority of the apple watch is "unrepairable". Something needs to be done with yalls scale as currently it looks like your an apple supporter and Samsung basher. Having to mod your tool with a file just to remove the screws on the apple watch trumps a glued back or glued battery in my opinion of repair-ability. Not trying to create any waves just pointing out the lack on continuity across your repair-ability ratings. Thanks for giving me a heads up look at the teardown for these devices as it's much appreciated.

    The Tech Doctors - Yanıt

    Look at what you have to do to replace the screen on both devices. the edge needs to have complete disassembly the watch just pops off. the battery on the edge requires removing the back glass and a complete teardown, the watch just remove the screen and there sits the battery

    Wesley Burson -

    wesley burson, the phone doesn't need a full disassembly. At stage 8 you can remove the LCD.


    Point taken for screen and battery replacements... what about everything else tho? On the apple watch jut about everything else was "unrepairable". How is a device with multiple components "unrepairable" ranked higher then a device that is reparable regardless of the difficulty. I would think "unrepairable" would have a lower score for the simple fact that if one of those components have an issue there is no repair option where with the S6 at least it's possible to repair. We are talking repairability here on an over all scale not just screens and batteries.

    The Tech Doctors - Yanıt

    I believe there should be subcategories like:

    1. Openability

    2. Repraceability

    3. Destructibility

    4. Separability/Removability

    Then the average will give the Repairability score. :)

    dyanro -

    Is the glass able to separate from lcd?

    Jeffery VanDusen - Yanıt

    there is a missing part you didn't mentioned on top of the phone named "Ear Speaker & RCV Sensor - GH96-08091A" which controls proximty, front led and also speaker voice. why?

    zionturk - Yanıt

  17. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 17, 3 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 17, 3 resimden 2. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 17, 3 resimden 3.
    • 它是弯的!拨开显示屏让我们看清了三星的屏幕是如何在手机的两侧弯曲的。

    • 三星的Super AMOLED屏幕允许屏幕弯曲。

    • 弯曲可能会减少你屏幕的寿命,即使AMOLED屏幕可以让如今的手机做的更薄,他们也可能有更短的使用寿命

    • 装在显示器背面的是惯用的触摸屏控制器,这次是STMicro FT6BH。


    When removing the glass did you break the digitizer... from what I know the digitizer is glued to the screen glass but yet is connected to the lcd.. so when you remove the glass from the lcd you inadvertently break the digitizer in the process.. did you have any issues with this...

    Many thanks

    Steven Steward

    steven steward - Yanıt

    Hi...I actually have a problem with the reciver of the phone and also the aux isn't working..which part should I buy to get it fixed..

    Jayesh -

    My phones voice reciver and the aux ain't working which paet do I need to buy to fix it...

    Jayesh -

    S6 egde voice reciver and the aux isnt working which part do I need to replace for it...model no g925t

    Jayesh - Yanıt

    Charge port handled all of those features

    David Allen -

    Wow! 50% yield. That's terrible. Very interesting reading iFixit! Thank you.

    Russell Dyson - Yanıt

    That's insane. That just gave me a reason to not buy a galaxy. They need to figure out a better way of manufacturing the screens. Which also explains why Samsung parts are so expensive compared to Apple. The yield. You are actually layig Samsung for 2 screens that's ridiculous.

    David Allen -

  18. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 18, 3 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 18, 3 resimden 2. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 18, 3 resimden 3.
    • 显示组件的最后一部分是模块化的home键。

    • 不像去年的滑动解锁功能,今年的指纹传感器是按压式的。

    • 不像S5,这里没有任何的陷阱

    • 多亏了放弃了去年的突出屏幕战略,我们通往home键的步骤完全不一样。更好吗?可能只是没有更差。

  19. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 19, 2 resimden 1. 三星盖乐世S6 Edge拆解: adım 19, 2 resimden 2.
    • Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge的可修复得分:3/10(10为最易修复)

    • 许多组件是模块化的,可以独立更换。

    • 改进了S5的设计之后,您不再需要拆下显示器就可以进入手机并更换主板。

    • 正面和背面的玻璃使得易碎性加倍,背面玻璃上的强力胶水导致难以进入设备。

    • 电池紧紧贴在显示器背面,并埋在中框和主板下面。

    • 在不破坏显示器的情况下更换玻璃是十分困难的。


    complimenti per una guida così chiara.

    Il punto è che avendola seguita, ho cambiato la scheda madre del mio S6 Egde (925F).

    Funziona tutto egregiamente ma la ricezione e soprattutto l’invio dati sotto copertura 3G, 4G, LTE è lentissima.

    Lo Speedtest spesso dice che la velocità di upload è zero. Ho anche fatto un factory reset, ma niente…

    Cosa posso aver sbagliato? Cosa devo controllare?

    Grazie mille in anticipo per la risposta

    Bilo - Yanıt

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en zh


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Evan Noronha

Üyelik tarihi: 02/05/15

223.487 İtibar

168 adet Kılavuz yazıldı

24 Yorum

Holy He11 you guys got the phone that says "A S S" in it. I wouldn't rate this a "3" this is more like a 5 in my book. You guys rate a m7 as a "1" which is one of the more difficult phones out there but its still easier than some of the older Motorolas.

chrisbassplayer - Yanıt

Do I know you??????

SquarepegChris -

That sure looks like a MicroSD receptacle on image "Step 11" on the bottom left corner of the board. Is that the Simm Card receptacle or a MicroSD receptacle?

nelson busch - Yanıt

That's the SIM card receptacle.

Ryan -

SD Card Yeah Nelson Bush, that is an SD card slot. Everybody in Samsung forgot they put it there. Ooops.

Michael Hannigan - Yanıt

where do i get the screen for $26?

Pete Kara - Yanıt

what would be the minimum step i'd need to reach to access the sim port? I purchased a phone that had a nano sim inserted without the sim tray.

itsrel11 - Yanıt

best way to remove back plate is heat and isclack. less chance of damaging the pait job

scotia182 - Yanıt


I've just replaced a broken screen, everything went well, but soft keys (Back and Recent apps) not working on new screen ! Are those keys being controlled by screens digitizer of the daughter board that has the LEDs for them ?! should I send back the new screen as faulty ?! or sth happened to daughter board when I opened it (which I doubt).

Any suggestion ?!


Voidminded - Yanıt

The soft keys are part

Of the screen on the s6 edge. The standard s6

Soft keys are on the charge port. So faulty screen

David Allen -

Incorrect. The touch buttons on the S6 Edge are also on the daughterboard, but are not ribbons that attach to the screen frame (as with the S6). Instead, they are on the opposite side of the daughterboard and are pressed into place by the natural pressure of the board against the screen. This makes the replacement of a charging port much easier due to not having to remove the LCD from the frame, which is tedious. Replacing the home button is the same as on the S6 - you will have to remove the screen frame from the LCD to access it.

mbrulla -




Petr Beran -

I changed the screen but now my touch cover doesnt work anymore, where is this sensor located?

hypersnap - Yanıt

would the main motherboard from a G925T work with the parts from a G925i

Gian Martinez - Yanıt

i dropped my phone in water. is there any way to recover the data or fix the phone?

Prashant Goyal - Yanıt

Replaced screen now having trouble getting it back together. Screen to midframe gap at the power button area. Any suggestions??

Paddiwack - Yanıt

How To Remove The Wi-Fi Adapter? (For Kid-Safe Phone)

Iɴĸѕтer “Sᴛᴇᴀʟᴛʜ Aʀʀᴏᴡ” Roɢerѕ - Yanıt

It's much easier to root the phone and disable the wifi chip in the build.prop file. Google that.

analbonghits -

I would be more worried about disabling cellular than disabling wifi.

Gigabit87898 -

Hello! Where can one get a genuine battery replacement. Samsung in my country won't replace my faulty battery saying I didn't buy the phone from the region.

AbdulAzeez - Yanıt

I have my s6edge+ all in pc's I need digitizer LCD battery. And the main belt wire front face glass weird mine was plexiglass and I'm ready to assemble.

softracer softracing - Yanıt

Hi! I replaced battery then the microphone and ear speaker don’t work and loud speaker not working during phone call. Shall I change a new ear piece? How about microphone, I can’t find this part. Any help would be appreciated!

HAO HONG - Yanıt

Hello Guys i have probleme in my phone samsung galaxy s6 edge the probleme is many stop in work and many time i restard my phone his stopped in samsung logo of depart please help me when probleme hardware or software thanks.

kahil abdelilah - Yanıt

Hi, I replaced the sim card reader (not the tray) and now the phone does not turn on wifi. It attempts to turn on wifi for about 10 minutes and gives up. Would appreciate if you can suggest any solutions. Thanks

Moratu Chandi - Yanıt

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