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Neye ihtiyacın var

  1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L), 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 1, 2 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L), 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 1, 2 resimden 2.
    • 将一个千斤顶放置在右前轮后方, 汽车底盘下的千斤顶支撑点. 该支撑点通常是一块厚于底盘的金属.

    • 用千斤顶把车辆右边抬高, 直到车底的空间足够你在车下方进行接下来的操作.

    • 你也可以把车轮开上垫高的斜台, 这样也可使车下方有足够的空间, 但请不要忘了在后轮后方加塞垫块, 以防止车辆后滑.

    • 为了方便操作,你应当考虑把车辆尽可能抬高.

  2. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 2, 2 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 2, 2 resimden 2.
    • 放置一个立顶在千斤顶支撑点后侧.

    • 慢慢调低千斤顶, 直到车辆的重量落在立顶上, 然后移除千斤顶.

    • 有些液压千斤顶需要特殊方法来降低. 如果你不知道如何调低你的千斤顶, 请参阅千斤顶的说明书.

    • 不要在只有千斤顶支撑车辆的情况下进入车底作业. 千斤顶有可能滑动或倒下, 这将可能造成严重伤害甚至死亡.

    Some newer models have a metal panel that is protecting the under part of your engine. You will need to remove this in order to access the 17 mm hex oil drain plug. The panel unscrews, then slide back (facing the front of car) and off.

    Shelby Reyes - Yanıt

    Or, even safer, keep both the jack and jack stand in place, but remove the jack handle and lay it down beside the jack. This way it is not sticking out to trip you as you walk around the car. Jack and jack stand: twice as safe.

    Gaston Santander - Yanıt

  3. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 3, 3 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 3, 3 resimden 2. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 3, 3 resimden 3.
    • 在底盘的机油罐下, 找到一个17mm的六角形机油排放口栓. 这个栓塞朝向车辆后方.

    • 本田公司已经让这项工作变得简单, 你可以看到一个钢印写着"Engine Oil", 即"机油", 旁边还有一个箭头指向排放口栓.

    • 在机油排放口下面放一个机油盆用来收集排放出来的旧机油.

  4. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 4, 3 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 4, 3 resimden 2. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 4, 3 resimden 3.
    • 在换机油时请使用手套和护目镜. 如果车辆刚运行过, 引擎和排气装置可能非常烫, 请小心. 另外准备一块毛巾以便及时擦除飞溅出来的机油.

    • 用一个17mm扳手把机油排放口栓拧松3/4圈.

    • 用手继续拧松直到取下, 旧机油就会流出, 落在刚才准备好的机油盆里.

    • 观察流出的机油里是否有亮闪闪的碎片. 机油里的金属碎屑是正常的引擎磨损, 但是过多的金属碎屑可能表示有严重的问题. 你可以留下一点旧机油的样本, 并咨询汽车检修部门.

  5. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 5, 3 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 5, 3 resimden 2. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 5, 3 resimden 3.
    • 在旧机油排放的过程中, 用干净的布擦拭拧下的机油排放口栓, 并去除密封圈.

    • 放上一个新的密封圈, 并确认它是否足够大, 以保证覆盖整个螺丝头部.

    • 任何标准的1/2" (1.27cm)密封圈, 无论是金属还是塑料, 只要能达到要求都可以使用.

  6. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 6, 3 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 6, 3 resimden 2. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 6, 3 resimden 3.
    • 一旦油开始缓慢滴落,请使用干净的毛巾或抹布清洁排油口周围。

    • 将机油塞重新安装上去,使用套筒扳手拧紧它。或者使用扭矩扳手来确保其已经拧紧(29 ft./lbs.)

    • 注意:请勿将机油塞拧的过紧。 将机油塞拧的过紧可能会导致油底壳开裂。 最好是稍微松一点(但也不能过松),因为你可以回头再将它上紧。 如果有疑问请使用扭矩扳手来确认是否已经上紧。

  7. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 7, 3 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 7, 3 resimden 2. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 7, 3 resimden 3.
    • 找到油滤,位于乘客侧的油底壳前侧。

    • 在油滤下方放置接油盘。

    • 逆时针卸下油滤。如果油滤过紧无法卸下那么请使用油滤扳手将其卸下。

    • 拿好抹布,拆下他可能是整个程序中最麻烦的步骤。

    • 油滤中可能还会有残油,将开口端朝上,将残油准备倒入到接油盘中。

    For the Si model, the filter is less conveniently located, but only requires a few extra steps. You will need to:

    1. Remove the front-passenger side wheel

    2. Turn your steering wheel all the way to the right

    3. Carefully remove two or three tabs to open the plastic shroud directly behind the strut (try not to break the tabs, check for a center button to release them) using a removal tool (tools can be rented for free from auto parts stores, you just have to leave a deposit)

    4. Reach behind the shroud to unscrew the filter (if you want to prolong the life of your CV joint, cover the rubber boot with a plastic bag to prevent the spill from touching it or just wipe it off as best you can)

    5. Install the new oil filter following the same procedure below

    6. Reconnect shrouds and reinstall wheel (don’t forget to use a star pattern when tightening)

    *If your arms fit you might be able to reach underneath to access the oil filter. Try it first to save time.

    *Use ~4.5 qts 5W-30 full synthetic or synthetic blend

    *This will not work if you intend to use ramps

    Sam Omiotek - Yanıt

  8. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 8, 3 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 8, 3 resimden 2. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 8, 3 resimden 3.
    • 戴好手套,沾上点新的机油,在新的油滤垫圈上均匀涂抹。

    • 这一层油防止垫圈与引擎直接接触,让下次更换工作更加简单。

    • 用干净的抹布或毛巾擦干净油滤安装区域。

    • 将新的油滤顺时针旋转安装上去,直至其完全贴合。

    Before installing filter, Prime Filter by adding fresh oil from the 4 quarts needed to change oil. It should be around 3/4 full of oil after filter has soaked up oil.

    M P - Yanıt

    Be sure to check to make sure the old oil filter gasket is not stuck to the oil pan. If it is left on, there will not be a proper seal. Without a proper seal, the oil will leak out and possibly lead to engine damage.

    Travis Gallagher - Yanıt

    Good comments above. Follow them plus wipe off surface of where the oil filter contacts the engine, after removing used filter.

    Also, leave drain plug off until new filter is installed.

    Bill Riley - Yanıt

  9. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 9, 2 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 9, 2 resimden 2.
    • 将接油盘从汽车下取出。

    • 使用千斤顶将车辆举的比千斤顶支架还要高,这样就可以取出千斤顶支架了。

    • 取出千斤顶支架,然后缓慢的放下千斤顶。

  10. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 10, 3 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 10, 3 resimden 2. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 10, 3 resimden 3.
    • 在驾驶员侧找到打开引擎盖的机关。

    • 在引擎盖下方找到保险开关解锁保险,然后使用一只手来支撑引擎盖另一只手找到引擎盖支撑杆。

    • 将引擎盖支撑杆插入到引擎盖预留标有箭头的孔中。

  11. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 11, 3 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 11, 3 resimden 2. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 11, 3 resimden 3.
    • 逆时针取下位于乘客侧机油加注口的盖子,然后将它取走。

    • 在机油 加注口中插入一个漏斗。避免加注机油的时候机油乱洒。

  12. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 12, 2 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 12, 2 resimden 2.
    • 用漏斗加入4夸脱(约4.4升)的5W-20机油。

    • 确保使用的是5W-20机油。加注不同等级的机油发动机运行效果就会截然不同机油等级 最好参考汽车说明书。

    • 盖上机油加注口盖子。

  13. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 13, 3 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 13, 3 resimden 2. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 13, 3 resimden 3.
    • 取下橘红色的机油标尺

    • 用干净的毛巾或抹布擦拭机油标尺,来确保度数准确。

    • 将机油标尺插回原处

    • 在机油标尺上的机油决定了发动机机油液面处于何种位置。 颜色交汇处的顶部为上限,底部为下限。

    • 油液面有一点高也没有关系,因为油还没有流动开。 启动发动机让它运转一分钟 然后再检查机油液面。 液位应该接近油标尺的满刻度处。

  14. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 14, 3 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 14, 3 resimden 2. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 14, 3 resimden 3.
    • 将引擎罩举起足够高的高度然后将引擎罩支撑杆放回原位。

    • 像绅士一样放下引擎盖,直到卡入第二道锁。

    • 然后有力的按一下引擎盖的边缘直到您听到第一道锁已经上锁。

  15. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 15, 3 resimden 1. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 15, 3 resimden 2. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 15, 3 resimden 3.
    • 什么时候需要为您的思域更换机油呢?当维修灯(橘色扳手)在您的仪表盘上亮起的时候 以及出现B1信息 显示机油寿命少于15%

    • 如何重置提示信息,请安住 SEL/RESET按键约十秒钟直到那条消息开始闪烁, 松开 SEL/RESET按键,再次按下按键5秒,提示信息就已经被重置了。 happens if zi accidentally didn't it

    Brian - Yanıt

    No me funciona el botón sel reset. Algún fusible podría ser ?

    Roberto - Yanıt

  16. 2006-2011款本田思域机油更换(1.8L): adım 16, 1 resimden 1.
    • 让您的机滤控油12-24小时。

    • 带上你的就机油和旧机滤前往回收点。大多数的汽车配件商店和维修厂会无偿回收这些东西。 同时一些城市或者国家有上门回收使用过的机油和机滤。 详情查看

    • 在您个人的手册上记录日期和服务是一个好的主意。 来记录您的信息以防与经销商发生任何保修问题。

    Very great explanation with recommendations.I like the way to explained here.

    Thanks a lot for helping us.


    nannoo_king - Yanıt

    If you like to get serious, buy yourself an oil filter cutter. They work like a custom pipe cutter. You can then inspect the filter element and get all the oil out for recycling.

    Bill Riley - Yanıt

    Gracias por su explicación, me dio gusto saber lo relacionado al mantenimiento de mi honda. Un saludo desde Bolivia

    Nelson Vbp - Yanıt

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David Hodson

Üyelik tarihi: 04/13/10

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127 adet Kılavuz yazıldı

43 Yorum

To actually reset the oil light:

1. Hold button for 10 sec

2. Release and rotate button counter clockwise once to select "oil life" (it should be flashing)

3. Press button once (makes whole display flash)

4. Hold button for 5 seconds until it says 100%

Jake Lester - Yanıt

To actually reset the 2009 Civic you won’t be rotating the button it’s not like that. It’s exactly like the author states.

Taterly Saladman -

Greetings from Russia! Thanks for the lesson.

79035688137 - Yanıt

Exactly what you look for in a How-To guide

Mitch Leburg - Yanıt

What kind oil to use u never say ls the same one in the pictures

Eric - Yanıt

the best oil I use in my Honda civic lx with 131k miles is the Sae 5w20 all year long, any brand will work from penzoil, havoline, valovine, or whatever you chooses. I heard many used AMZOIL (the purple oil) but reply back anytime

southraleighbro -

Is it ok to put 5 quarts of oil in my 2011 Honda Civic LX?

Any answers are greatly appreciated.

Jason Strand - Yanıt

sure, it coast every thing to keep you from going under the hood adding more oil to the engine. I normally do it and don't have a problem with my car, cause usually the car uses about 5 quarts of oil from the pan to the engine and filter, enough is better than not enough to have the engine lock up . Personally, if you like to just add just 4 quarts go ahead but, just ensure you have enough to have in the cross hatch march saying the oil is full at the level mark

southraleighbro -

no overfilling the oil will give you some problems later don’t overfill

Taterly Saladman -

This Tutorial is helpful and the pictures are a great benefit.

Francis Lang - Yanıt

Merciiiii bcp pour toutes ces bons conseils et informations


Sainville Cabas

Sainville Cabas - Yanıt

how much quantity of engine oil is needed for my honda civic 2008 make.

rajib kumar das - Yanıt

Approx 4 quarts when also replacing the oil filter - which really should be done together. New oil + new filter = happy car!

Hendo -

Do I have to change the oil filter every time? If not, what can i look for when inspecting the filter?

Cameron P - Yanıt

Yes, you have to replace your oil filter every time you change the oil. The filter is fairly cheap and worth it.

Henry Tran -

The filter cleans the dirt out of the oil. Dirty black oil, dirty filter. You can look at the difference when you put the new filter in one hand and the old one in the other hand. Compare. That is dirt. Not changing the filter would be like taking dirty dishes and using them for the next meal. Or putting your dirty underwear back on the next day. Just not a good idea.

Taterly Saladman -

I am having technical problems reseting my dial on a honda civic ex 2008

norma velez - Yanıt

No change my oil and filter and my Honda Civic is still showing 15% also showing a code reading A13 help me out

Clarence Miller - Yanıt

I changed my oil and filter on my Honda Civic 2007 and it is still showing 15% and a code reading A13 help me out

Clarence Miller - Yanıt

You must reset the % indicator. Changing the oil and filter does not automatically reset the indicator.

Bill Riley -

My Father taught me when I change the oil to fill the oil filter by using part of the 4 quarts required for the oil change. This primes the filter and you have less time with the engine running without oil.

M P - Yanıt

If you are using Full Synthetic oil to begin with this isn’t a problem. :-)

labaseballfan -

It certainly does not matter which type of oil you use for filling the filter. Always put oil into the filter before installing on engine. Half full is much better than empty.

Bill Riley -

1/2 or 3/4 is all I usually do. Try and fill it too much and you'll just end up making a mess. Of course thats only feasible on vehicles with the filter pointing down. If its one of those sideways deals well forget it. You just hope everything still has a light coat of oil on it which in theory should. Filling the filter is probably a lot more critical on bigger engines with large capacity filters.

John Norris -

, what is the drain plug size and length

Jorge diaz - Yanıt

Excellent step - by - step how to.

I use ramps instead of jacks and jack stand

frk040 - Yanıt

Good tutorial. The only think I do in a different order it to remove the oil filter first that way if you drop it into the oil pan accidentally it doesn’t go splash and oil everywhere. As opposed to it going into an oil pan full of oil.

labaseballfan - Yanıt

You guys are doing a great job. Fantastic!

Olukayode - Yanıt

Ihre Artikel ist sehr toll. Könnten Sie mir sagen, wo kann ich das Handbuch von Honda finden?

potzl - Yanıt

179k miles and my 2006 is still running

Amar - Yanıt

I just had my oil changed in a garage. I have had conventional oil in the vehicle for the entire time, they decided to put synthetic in, although I specifically stated I wanted conventional. They are draining, and putting what I specified, does that screw up my engine? (2009 Civic Sedan)

ricegerardine - Yanıt

ricegerardine : The synthetic oil will rinse out your engine and do no harm whatsoever. Consider it an expensive engine flush, paid for by the garage.

Bill Riley -

Thanks for your guiding.

Nam Le - Yanıt

!!!!;awesome!!!! thank you

iluminacionextrema - Yanıt

Hola tengo un civic lxs 2007 motor 1.8 y quiero cambiarle haceite a la caja mecanica cual me reconiendan

Ignacio Varas - Yanıt

What kind of Oil do you recomended? Honda, Mobil, Castrol? Thanks for you answer…

Oscar Munoz - Yanıt

Pretty good job on the how to but I usually loosen the fill cap prior to removing the drain plug seems like the oil comes out faster the way. While it may not matter much if your just doing 1 honda civic oil change if you have a bunch to do or a vehicle with a higher oil capacity like a diesel pickup or dumptruck all those minutes add up in the end. And seriously who sends their honda civic oil to a lab to be tested? Installing a drain plug with a magnet on the end is probably a more sensible solution.

John Norris - Yanıt

Excelente artículo muchas gracias

Adrian Fernandez - Yanıt

My Honda Civic manual says to use 0W-20 oil, not 5W-20. Great guide otherwise though, thanks!

Aidan Gibson - Yanıt

Buenas noches mi auto es un honda Civic lx estándar 1.8 klm 109517 2009 que aceite le puedo comprar. Por favor gracias. Exelente noche

Monroy Cordero - Yanıt

Very thorough and easy to follow. Great job and Thanks so much!

Ashlyn Abadie - Yanıt

perfect directions; clear concise step by step. excellent pictures are a bonus!

hondanista - Yanıt

It's always best to use 5w-20 oil for the 06-09 civics

Derek Schermerhorn - Yanıt

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