This guide will take you through the steps to clean the inner lens and sensor. The guide starts after the disassambly to the Motherboard and Lens Unit. If you haven't done this yet go to the great guide:
Neye ihtiyacın var
Open the ribboncable connector by gently tilting the locking bar upwards (in this image, from left to right).
Now the optical unit should be separable from the unit with the sensor. (Optical unit on the left, sensor unit on the right)
Clean the glass of the optical unit with isopropanol and air.
Next, clean the protective glass of the sensor from the outside.
Now, use any suitable object to carefully lift the sensor's protective glass from the sensor. They will remain connected, but a gap will be created for cleaning.
Now the sensor and the protective glass can be cleaned from the inside.
Work through the steps in reverse order to reassemble your device.
Work through the steps in reverse order to reassemble your device.
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