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Bu teardown bir tamir kılavuzu değildir. iPhone 8 cihazınızı onarmak için, servis kılavuzumuzu kullanın.

  1. iPhone 8の分解, iPhone 8の分解: adım 1, 1 resimden 1.
    • iPhone8には幾つかの新しいテクノロジーが搭載されています。でも、これらのアップグレードされた数字だけで8としても良いのでしょうか?ご自身で判断してください:

    • A11 Bionicチップ、 M11モーションコプロセッサ搭載

    • 容量64 GB、256 GB

    • 1334 × 750解像度 (326 ppi) 4.7インチ IPSマルチタッチ Retina HDディスプレイ

    • 12 MPカメラ、ƒ/1.8の開口部、光学式手ぶれ補正、最大5倍のデジタルズーム

    • 7 MP FaceTime HDカメラ、ƒ/2.2の開口部、1080p HDビデオ撮影

    • Qi ワイヤレス充電規格(高速充電)

    • 802.11a/b/g/n/ac Wi‑Fi w/MIMO + Bluetooth 5.0 + NFC

  2. iPhone 8の分解: adım 2, 3 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 2, 3 resimden 2. iPhone 8の分解: adım 2, 3 resimden 3.
    • 私たちがteardownunder (南半球での分解)を始めるにあたり、顔馴染みのデバイスが挨拶をしてくれています。特長は以下の通りです。

    • Touch ID指紋認証センサー付きソリッドステートのホーム”ボタン”

    • iPhone 7でも使用されていたものに近い(未だ)IPSテクノロジー搭載のディスプレイ(ただしTrue Toneディスプレイ)

    • 裏側に回ると、iPhoneの7層にわたって色を重ねられたオシャレな新しいガラスを確認できます。

    • Appleはこのリアパネルは”レーザー溶接されたスチール/銅製の構造”と発表しています。その強度が分かるまではしばらく時間が必要です。そして次の耐久性テストによって、このデバイスが様々なダメージから身を守れるか証明していますーしかし、ベンドゲート(本体が曲がってしまう問題)についてはまた別の問題です。

    • このモデルがiPhone8として相応しいのかどうかはまだ議論の最中です。WEEE(廃電気・電子製品)指令のマークもまだ付与されていないのです。

    • 作業に取り掛かる前に、 iPhone 8の新しいゴールドカラーとiPhone6sのローズゴールドを比べてみましょう。確かにAppleは iPhone 8のデザインを精錬しました。そして仕上げに若干のピンク色を取り除きました。

    Square Trade break testing didn’t show very good results. The verdict: iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus are definitely not very durable (although both phones beat the Note 8).

    And I understand the back is not covered under insurance as well.

    “Square Trade gave the iPhone 8 a breakability score of 67, the iPhone 8 Plus a breakability score of 74, and the Galaxy Note 8 a breakability score of 80. At 67 and 74, iPhone 8 and 8 Plus are at "medium risk" of breakage from a drop, while the Galaxy Note 8 is at "high risk." The Galaxy Note 8 fared worse because it was non-functional after some of the tests, while the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus remained usable despite the broken glass. “

    Rick Mizell - Yanıt

  3. iPhone 8の分解: adım 3, 3 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 3, 3 resimden 2. iPhone 8の分解: adım 3, 3 resimden 3.
    • さて中身を掘り起こす前に、X線撮影です!

    • 親友であるCreative Electron が南半球のCircuitwiseまで来てくれて、最高の透視画像を撮影してくれました。

    • シームレスな裏側が内部の複雑な構造をはっきりと見せてくれています。最初に確認できるのは新しいワイヤレス受電用コイルです!

    • 後ほど詳細を書きますが、X線撮影のゴーグルを脇に置いて、まずは分解のプランを練りましょう。

    • モデル番号を確認するにはX線撮影は不要です。ローズゴールドの箱にA1863と表記されています!

    • Appleは(米国 E-Lavel Actによる:スマートフォンの裏側にモデル番号などの表記をしないという法律)iPhoneの裏側の完全クリーンアップを始めたようです。そうならば、SIMトレイに付けられた可愛いIDカードは見つけられないかもしれません。

  4. iPhone 8の分解: adım 4, 3 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 4, 3 resimden 2. iPhone 8の分解: adım 4, 3 resimden 3.
    Bu adımda kullanılan alet:
    Satın Al
    • この分解を進める時間がやってきました。星型ペンタローブネジを外した後、耐水性ディスプレイシール(圧着剤)を溶かすために熱を当てます。

    • ここでiOpenerの登場です!圧着剤が柔らかくなりました。次にツールバッグからiSclackを取り出して、スクリーンを上下に引き離します。生じた隙間に開口ピックを差し込むとより効果的です。

    • 一体これはデジャブでしょうか?

    • …さて内部が開きました!最初に確認できるのは目新しいものがないということですー今の所。でもまだガラスの表面をスクラッチしただけなので先に進みましょう。

    Jut as we expected so far.

    Phillip - Yanıt

    at this point, fingers crossed that the iPhone 7 display will also work, just like the S and SE are compatible!!

    Nathan Prodell - Yanıt

  5. iPhone 8の分解: adım 5, 3 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 5, 3 resimden 2. iPhone 8の分解: adım 5, 3 resimden 3.
    Bu adımda kullanılan alet:
    Phillips #000 Screwdriver
    Satın Al
    • このディスプレイを開けてみると、またもや馴染みのあるディスプレイケーブルブラケットが迎えてくれました。しかし呪いのトライポイントネジの代わりに、標準の#000プラスネジが使用されているという点は喜ばしいニュースです!

    • トライポイントネジ、残念ながらMiss you(会いたい)なんてこれっぽっちも思わないんだよね。

    • 手早く幾つかのケーブルの接続を外しますーバッテリー、ディスプレイそしてホームボタンケーブルを取り出すとディスプレイが外れました!

    • iPhone7には付いていたディスプレイ上のペンタローブタブガスケットが8には付いていないことに注目しました。

    • しかしながら、iPhone7もiPhone8どちらもIP67耐水/防塵性能を持っています。一体どうやって水門を閉じるのでしょうか?

    So an 1822mah battery?

    mr_skot_a - Yanıt

    Is the iPhone 8 LCD assembly the same as an iPhone 7? Are the parts cross-compatible for repairs?

    aq.nguyen87 - Yanıt

    Gaskets (aka “boots” in apple-speak) on the pentalobe tabs (aka “fangs” in apple-speak) were never meant to provide water resistance. They were on the & for another purpose

    Product Designer - Yanıt

    It has no water resistance. Mine half submerged in a creek for 30 seconds while inside a LifeProof waterproof case. The phone was ruined. Claim and rating is false. Also phone warped in a year and a half while living inside that case.

    mark_y48 - Yanıt

    waterproof and water resistance are two totally different terms. Waterproof is when a phone can be submerged in water, water resistance is when it can be rained on for short periods of time and still function properly. After any repair is done any and all waterproof/resistance is then gone.

    Dennis Read -

  6. iPhone 8の分解: adım 6, 3 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 6, 3 resimden 2. iPhone 8の分解: adım 6, 3 resimden 3.
    • バッテリーのストレッチタブを掴みますー接着タブを取り出すとこのタブが以前に比べて2つも増えています。

    • でも問題ありませんー動かす手を増やせばいいのです。4つのタブを一度に引っ張ります!

    • この方法はたくさんの経験が必要で、ストレッチアームストロングによる練習効果が求められます。

    • プルタブを引っ張るとバッテリーの接着タブが簡単に外せます。

    You need to remove the vibe (“taptic engine”) and any other nearby, sharp components before pulling the adhesive tabs.

    -PD Engineer

    Product Designer - Yanıt

  7. iPhone 8の分解: adım 7, 2 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 7, 2 resimden 2.
    • この上等なバッテリーパックを取り出しました。さて競争相手との比較をしてみましょう!

    • 完全充電で3.82 V, 1821 mAhのバッテリーセルは最大6.96Whです。

    • Apple製品で比べてみるとiPhone 7のバッテリーは7.45 Whです。

    • 参考のために、類似するスペックのGalaxy S8バッテリーは11.55 Whです。

    • バッテリー容量は少なくなりましたが、Appleはバッテリーの寿命は去年発売されたモデルと変わらないとしています。

    They always claim that… It's never realistic though when doing video tests etc.

    djlobb01 - Yanıt

    Are the physical dimensions of this battery the same as the iPhone 7 battery? It would be interesting if you could swap this one for the high capacity iPhone 7 battery.

    Simon Seeber - Yanıt

    fyi the battery’s are expanding in the cases :P

    Kyle Johnston - Yanıt

  8. iPhone 8の分解: adım 8, 3 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 8, 3 resimden 2. iPhone 8の分解: adım 8, 3 resimden 3.
    Bu adımda kullanılan alet:
    Precision Tweezers Set
    Satın Al
    • ロジックボードからメインカメラを取り出します

    • iPhone 8はiPhone 7と同じƒ/1.8の開口部、6枚構成のレンズを搭載していますが、カメラ以外の全ては新しく改良されました。

    • 8のセンサーは7に比べるとより大きくなりましたが、スペックは同じ12MP解像度です。これはピクセル自体が大きくなり、より高い光度、彩度の改善、ノイズの軽減などを意味しています。

    • しかし待ってください、まだあります!これらのハードウェアの改良だけでなくアップグレードされた画像処理ソフトウェアもAppleの巧みな引き出しに入れられていたのです。

    • この画像処理ソフトウェアを目にしたことがありますが、まだ裸眼では見たことがありません。X線画像で透視するとカメラの四隅にマグネットがあることがわかりますーこのマグネットがOISを通してカメラをより高い精度のビジョンを実現させています。

    Could you measure the sensor size? Or at least compare iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 sensor on the X-ray?

    Aidan - Yanıt

    Rumor has it that iPhone 8 has sensor size of 1/2.0 inch…true?

    Madtiger - Yanıt

    Yes! The sensor size please!

    Noofyz INoofyz - Yanıt

    is the camera lens made by sony?

    ryan buenaflor - Yanıt

    Vous avez zappé le démontage de la carte mère côté gauche en haut !!!!

    Coup de Phonie - Yanıt

  9. iPhone 8の分解: adım 9, 3 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 9, 3 resimden 2. iPhone 8の分解: adım 9, 3 resimden 3.
    Bu adımda kullanılan alet:
    Mako Driver Kit - 64 Precision Bits
    Satın Al
    • 私たちの探索はまだまだ続きます。次に変わったケーブルとブラケットを幾つか見つけました

    • まず最初に取り出します:Lightningポートのブラケットは新しいピーチ色のポートを補強して、Taptic engineを挟んでいるように見えます。

    • これまでのところ、嬉しいことにプラスドライバーのみで進んできましたーしかし嬉しいことはそう長くは続きません。このブラケットを取り出すには最初のトライポイントネジが待ち受けているのです。でもiFixitの64 Bit Driver Kitで事足りないものはありません!

    • 新しく登場した色付きのLightning ポートは高速充電を安全に行うための伝熱プラスチックではないかと推測します。(もしくは、ただ単に筐体と色を合わせただけかもしれません)

    • 次の作業:奇妙なインターコネクト/アンテナケーブルがスピーカーを覆っています。

    • 最後の作業:Taptic Engineが小さくて精密なコネクターの中に入っています。

    Fairly obviously you would have to use the 64 Bit Driver kit, as the new iOS is no longer 32 Bit compatible. :-)

    David Reidy - Yanıt

  10. iPhone 8の分解: adım 10, 2 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 10, 2 resimden 2.
    • 最後の砦のロジックボードです:この小さな隠れたネジ、これは耐水性シリコンシールの下に付けられています!

    • Jumpyというカンガルーがロジックボードの取り出しに協力してくれました!

    • カンガルーの形をしたチキン味のスナックはさて置き、皆さんがiPhone Xまで jumpy−飛び越えないように願っています。レポートによると、iPhone Xは遅くとも10月中旬から製造が始まるようです。ーすなわち、iPhone8を購入したAppleのアップグレードプログラム加入者たちと同様に、iPhone8をハードウェアとして持つことが最速のアップグレードと言えます。

    It would not to be waterproof silicone seals! Seems like to be a stable cushion(sponge/poron) for board to board connector.

    Victor Huang - Yanıt

  11. iPhone 8の分解: adım 11, 3 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 11, 3 resimden 2. iPhone 8の分解: adım 11, 3 resimden 3.
    • ダララララララ…ドラムロール、プリーズ!チップの時間です! このシリコンを精密に点検してくれたTechInsightsの皆さんに感謝します。

    • Apple 339S00434 A11 Bionic SoC、これにSK Hynix H9HKNNNBRMMUUR 2 GB LPDDR4x RAMが積層

    • Qualcomm MDM9655Snapdragon X16 LTEモデム

    • Skyworks SkyOne SKY78140

    • Avago 8072JD130

    • P215 730N71T 、おそらくエンベロープトラッキングIC

    • Skyworks SKY77366-17 クワッドバンド GSM パワーアンプモジュール

    • NXP Semiconductor80V18 (PN80V) secure NFCモジュール

    Is SK Hynix H9HKNNNBRMMUUR “LPDDR4x” not “LPDDR4”?

    JJ Wu - Yanıt

    Shouldn’t the A11 be identified as a SoC, not a CPU, with model number of APL1W72 instead of 339S00434?

    RichardP - Yanıt

    SK Hynix H9HKNNNBRMMUUR should be LPDDR4x.

    Refer to the link

    There is one documentation related to chip marking about LPDDR4. From the marking information, H9HKNNNBRMMUUR should be LPDDR4x.

    JJ Wu - Yanıt

  12. iPhone 8の分解: adım 12, 2 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 12, 2 resimden 2.
    • 裏側に回ってみましょう:

    • Apple/USI 170804 339S00397 WiFi/Bluetoothモジュール

    • Apple/Dialog Semiconductor 338S00309 PMICとCirrus Logic 338S00248 オーディオコディックと338S00286 オーディオアンプ

    • 東芝 TSBL227VC3759 64 GB NAND フラッシュメモリ

    • Qualcomm WTR5975ギガビット LTE RF トランシーバーとPMD9655 PMIC

    • Broadcom BCM59355— おそらくBCM59350 ワイヤレス充電ICの改良版

    • NXP CBTL1612A1—おそらく1610 トライスターICの改良版

    • Skyworks 3760 3576 1732 RFスイッチと SKY762-21 247296 1734 RFスイッチ

    FM Radio? *screams like Flanders with purple drapes*

    Alvaro - Yanıt

    What do you mean FM Radio ?

    forrest gump - Yanıt

  13. iPhone 8の分解: adım 13, 2 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 13, 2 resimden 2.
    • IC識別は続きます。

    • Cypress Semiconductor CYPD2104C USB タイプCポートコントローラー

    • Texas Instruments SN2501 リチウムイオンバッテリーチャージャー

    • Texas Instruments SN61280E バッテリーブーストコンバーター

    • Texas Instruments LM3539 LEDドライバー

    • Texas Instruments TPS65730 ? ディスプレイパワーマネージメント (おそらく)

    • Bosch Sensortec 加速度計/ジャイロスコープ

    • Bosch Sensortec BMPxxx ? 圧力センサー

  14. iPhone 8の分解: adım 14, 2 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 14, 2 resimden 2.
    • ロジックボードが外れました。プラスチックのコンポーネントに取り掛かります。 これはスピーカーと気圧ベントです。

    • 昨年モデルで判明したように、この気圧ベントはiPhoneの耐水性を高めると共に、正確な高度情報を計測できます。

    • その他若干のスペック補強:AppleはiPhone8のスピーカー音量が25%大きくなったと述べています。ーしかしどうやってその違いがわかるかどうかという議論があります。

    • iPhone 7と同じくこの8にも本体底のスピーカーホールが計12個並んでいます。

    • その内側にフォーム製シールと小さなゴム製ガスケットという前回と同じ耐水性を示すサインを見つけました。

  15. iPhone 8の分解: adım 15, 3 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 15, 3 resimden 2. iPhone 8の分解: adım 15, 3 resimden 3.
    • リアケースにはほとんどコンポーネントが搭載されていませんが、幾つか確認できるものがあります。

    • ピーチ色のLightning コネクターはiPhone7に比べると若干の変化が見えます。迷彩服のようなカモフラージュで騙されることなく、新しいフォームファクターを見つけました。より高度な耐水性プロテクションですよね?

    • コッパーのテープを覆っている黒色のテープを剥がすとさらに黒色のテープではなく…ちょっと待ってください…

    • これはただの黒色のテープではありません。これはQi (”チー”と発音します)の受電用コイルです!

    • このコイルは振動する磁力の共振を利用して交流ACが供給される仕組みです。そして交流ACから直流ACへと転換されます。すなわち、バッテリーに電気を供給する魔法のジュースです。

    rumor is there are two generations of the Wireless Charging Coil out on the street. Samsung flagships opting for the faster one and iPhone 8 opting for the slower one. Any truth to that?

    bluinc - Yanıt

    Has the Qi chip been identified yet?

    bigboy101 - Yanıt

    It’s Broadcom BCM59355.

    JJ Wu -

    From the Qi Certified List found at:

    iPhone 8 (A1863) Basic Power Profile (5 Watt), Version 1.2.3; max received power 5 W

    The Samsung Note 8 has the same BPP (5watt), Version 1.2.3, but max power received is 4.5 W

    The LG V30 has an Extended Power Profile (15 Watt), Version 1.2.3, max power received 10.5 W

    Yoron - Yanıt

    HELP! I need a replacement for that tiny little cable on the charging port assembly, that’s just to the right of the port itself. I sneezed while replacing the %#*@ port & it is GONE.

    leslea_kate - Yanıt

    I recently replaced my screen and battery. When taking out the battery I accidentally tore into the black cover on the Qi charging pad. It revealed a silver material inside.

    Not knowing what to do, I covered it up with tape. However, when trying to boot, I got stuck in the boot loop. I am able to go into DFU mode, but I can’t restore the phone in iTunes. I believe the boot loop is due to a hardware issue.

    Could it be from the Qi charging pad mishap? If so, could I simply disconnect the Qi charging pad harness from the board? I don’t use it, anyway.

    steven - Yanıt

    Hi Steven, probably damaging the qi has now created a short circuit and disconnecting it you should solve

    Nicholas Femia -

  16. iPhone 8の分解: adım 16, 3 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 16, 3 resimden 2. iPhone 8の分解: adım 16, 3 resimden 3.
    Bu adımda kullanılan alet:
    Curved Razor Blade
    Satın Al
    • リアガラスを外そうと試みましたが、結局は熱と液体リムーバーを使った後、補強パネルの下にメスを滑り込ませました。

    • 根気よくメスを入れた後、ついに7層のガラスのサンドイッチをミッドフレームから外しました。

    • Appleがより耐久性の高いガラスについて発表しましたが、7層になったガラスサンドイッチのことだったとは考えてもいませんでした。

    • 作業後、残された背面プレートは若干曲がって変形していますーAppleは修理に出されたデバイスをどうやって修復するのかまるで検討がつきません。それは機密情報のようです。

    • そして三番目の画像は、カタツムリにフィギュアスケートをさせたわけではありませんーこれは圧着剤です。それも多量です。

    • この並列させた画像をみると、最近作成した何かーSamsung Galaxy Note8を思い起こします。

    Why don’t you guys start selling heat tables too so you can tell us at what temperature the adhesive starts to melt?

    FixNcell Phone Repair - Yanıt

    Could you use an LCD separator machine to remove the rear glass? The ones with heated surface with suction and wire - seems like an easier option than the razor blade.

    rendallwagner - Yanıt

    You obviously need to get some figure-skating snails and do a side-by-side comparison.

    Mafoo B - Yanıt

  17. iPhone 8の分解: adım 17, 3 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 17, 3 resimden 2. iPhone 8の分解: adım 17, 3 resimden 3.
    • ついに有名なディスプレイに戻ってきました。ディスプレイから残った最後の機能を取り外します。

    • さよなら、ホームボタン

    • さよなら、フロントセンサーケーブル

    • さよなら、LCDシールド

    • あと、忘れていました、識別できなかった小さなチップも。

    • もう一度、ライトセンサーは色付きのフィルターで覆われています。これはTrue Toneシステムをアシストするものではないかと想定しています。

    So more home button headaches!

    Tony Tone - Yanıt

    Maybe the unidentified chip has something to do with Apple’s calibration machine and their attempt to prevent installation of aftermarket screens?? Just a wild conspiracy guess…

    Wilf Batty - Yanıt

    Maybe this had been answered on another thread but can someone tell me what the chip on the screen flex cable is for?

    JD Salinas - Yanıt

    The chip on the LCD flex is the touch screen controler,as from 6S and further on. As for the unknown chip on the LCD itself-I think it’s the 3D touch controller,also as on the 6S and on.

    GSM House - Yanıt

    The LCD driver chip is most likely to be Synaptics R63318 device and it has been continuously used in iPhone6~8, except iPhone X

    Brad Hwang - Yanıt

    Did the screen contain any tri-tip screws, or did they revert back to Phillips #000 as well?

    rdburkh - Yanıt

  18. iPhone 8の分解: adım 18, 3 resimden 1. iPhone 8の分解: adım 18, 3 resimden 2. iPhone 8の分解: adım 18, 3 resimden 3.
    • 今のところ、ここまでです!ここ数日間で追加されるテキストや画像がある予定です。

    • シドニーの素晴らしいファシリティを貸していただいたCircuitwiseに多大なるお礼を申し上げます!(彼らの華麗な半田付けビデオをぜひご覧ください)

    • 毎度、なくてはならないX線撮影でのサポートをしてくれるCreative Electronにもお礼を申し上げます!

  19. Son Düşünceler
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Adam O'Camb

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Live stream it on or youtube!

Andrew spoelstra - Yanıt

Link anyone?

Matt Traynor -

It looks like it's the same screen as the iPhone 7, something like the iPhone 5S and SE, maybe?

Universo Técnico - Yanıt

Hopefully, although since the new one supports true tone, it may not. However, those sensors may not be integrated into the display and just be a part of the camera and speakerphone assembly.

Edit: also, the black stuff isn't present on any iPhone 7 displays Ive got, also, the top clip on the left side seems to be rounded off, while on my 7 displays, they have a little sharpish point coming out of each side.

Andrew spoelstra -

Also, on the 8 display, there is a little bit of text on a black bit of plastic which reads “F08+C”, on my 8 display, it reads “F06+A”

Edit: also there are metal clips at the top of the 8 display, on the 7 they're made from plastic

Andrew spoelstra -

Waiting for days. Exciting. Awesome!

Jetson - Yanıt

No video stream?

Darshit Mehta - Yanıt

Agreed! Stream live please!!

mr_skot_a - Yanıt

Cool idea on the “Live Teardown”… as always great photography and good explanations.

Far as step 5 (Screen removal). The flex cables look very similar to the iphone 7. From reading the comments above the tech mentions some frame differences. Have you by chance plugged the screen assembly into an iphone 7 to see if the LCD+Digi/3D touch/home button work, and maybe front camera assembly work as well?

iDenver Repairs - Yanıt

ooH! Do you think Apple would allow parts switching. I would saay ‘No Way’!!

JOhn -

Thank you BTW!

mr_skot_a - Yanıt

Are there any Liquid Metal components in the frame

Adam G - Yanıt

Now are 4 Adhesive Strips, at the top and bottom of the battery? The Adhesive Strips, do not stand above the wireless charger, right?

Universo Técnico - Yanıt

Yup! That’s correct.

Evan Noronha -

Would love to see a shot of the iPhone laying by itself vertically with the display removed and no hands in the frame. Not yet disassembled.

mr_skot_a - Yanıt

Peel to remove adhesive? Is this new.

duston - Yanıt

Nope. Been around since the 5S/5C days.

iDenver Repairs -

No this has been in iPhones and iPads for a while to remove the battery. what is new is that their are 4 tabs, previously I believe there were just 2.

Marga Dali -

no update???

萌萌妃 - Yanıt

Awesome tear down. Thank you.

I see the Qualcomm chip. Is this the A1863 iPhone 8?

henryteichert - Yanıt

Glad you’re enjoying it, we’re almost done! You’re correct, this is an A1863 iPhone 8.

Andrew Optimus Goldheart -

So wirelless charging is with a flex cable ? , i’m curious about the back glass cover if its removable (easy to) because i’m thinking ill be changing lots of those…

Edit : Seems like they don't want us to change those… how come the aluminum is so deformed? no usage of heat or glue remover used?

J T - Yanıt

mum mum mum mum

Stephen Yoo - Yanıt

Awesome teardown. Does iPhone 8 have USB 3.0 Controller?

Chang Guangyu - Yanıt

Do you plan to follow with iPhone 8 plus? Thanks for sharing this! Made my day

Andrzej trickykid - Yanıt

Does IPhone 8 support quick charge by USB Type-C and PD

Weng Brian - Yanıt

All three phones released support USB-C quick charging with a Lighting to USB-C cable and a USB-C charging brick (for MacBook/MacBook Pro w/ TB3).

Jake Contreras -

Apple 338S00248, 338S00309, and S3830028 are Cirrus Logic designed.

drf_13 - Yanıt

Waiting for iphone X teardown

Hui - Yanıt

Apple 338S00248, 338S00309, and S3830028

Are any of these the Dialog Power Management IC? Similar serial numbers to Dialog’s chip in the 7 (Dialog 338S00225 Power Management IC)

Cormac Ennis - Yanıt

TechInsights updated their (8 plus teardown) info to show 338S00309 and 338S00306 as Apple/Dialog and commented that there is one more PMIC from Dialog compared to the 7. The 338S00306 chip isn’t even mentioned in this article. It looks like the chip has tape (or some other covering) over the top of it in the photo on this article so the markings can’t be identified. It would be the chip just below the NXP80V18 secure NFC module. Also, I think one of the orange circled PMIC chips in this article is actually a 338S00295 Audio Amp instead.

Vash Kae -

Any details on the earpiece speaker/Mic as compared to i7

Paresh Desai - Yanıt

Please what can you say about GNSS chipset (annouced by Apple)? Embedded in MDM9655? Thanks

Francis - Yanıt

Yes. The iPhone model with Qualcomm modem inside, the GNSS is supported by Qualcomm modem. If it is intel modem inside, there should be a GNSS chip from other other vendor(supposedly, it will be Broadcom.)

JJ Wu -

Does iphone8 has or change in Digital to Analog (DAC) part ? Something like AKM , Wolfsen ,Cirrus logic etc.

lphatcharapol - Yanıt

I don’t think the P215 730N71T is an ET IC . There is no DC-DC inductor and capacitor around. And it is very unreasonable to place the PAPM so closed to PAs

momo_coder - Yanıt

Any changes to the top speaker? The “stereo” speakers in my iPhone 7 still have 80% of the volume come out the bottom.

tipoo - Yanıt

Great teardown. I have been looking forward to this all week! The back glass design reminds me of the iPhone 4 back glass assembly, with the layer of glass being excessively glued to a thin metal plate that was built in to a plastic frame who’s design varied depending on GSM or CDMA model. However, other than adding Qi charging, the difference between the iPhone 4 and iPhone 8 back glass is the location of the thin metal plate. For the iPhone 4, it was attached to the removable back glass assembly. With the iPhone 8, the thin metal plate is built into the phone’s frame assembly. From what I have been reading, Apple store employees claim that a broken glass on the new iPhone 8 series counts as a whole device replacement under AppleCare and therefore subject to a larger fee. I am curious to know if Apple designed these new models to have the entire frame replaced rather than just the back glass to prevent repair shops from providing inevitable back glass repairs.

Esteban Millard - Yanıt

Is the iPhone 8 LCD assembly the same as an iPhone 7? Are the parts cross-compatible for repairs?

aq.nguyen87 - Yanıt

Looking forward to your bend test! There appears to be several fake ones on YouTube in which reviewers are using either a six or seven and claiming it to be an 8. One that looks fairly real claims that the 8 is much better than the 7 (perhaps all those layers of glass help). I would like to know if the 8 passes the skinny gene tests.

Bob Powers - Yanıt

Gee iLuddite, what ever happened to the good old days of electronics when they had huge cabinets and everything could be fixed with a bang of your hand on it? I am constantly sickened by your constant complaining that Apple products that rarely if ever, need repairs are difficult for YOU to repair. Somehow, you expect anyone with no knowledge or experience to be able to also repair ANY electronics on their own.

Robert Evans - Yanıt

Does anyone know which IMU is in the iPhone 8?

Doug V - Yanıt

Bosch Sensortec

eisblock -

anyone know which Bosch Sensortec product in particular?

it doesn’t specify on the website & they haven’t got back to my emailed enquiry

Alisha Bermudez -

Lightning connector runs at USB3 speeds yet ?!?!?! apple are such douches when to comes to USB speed increases

ancientscream - Yanıt

Dude the 7 series ran at USB 3 speeds.

Andrew spoelstra -

Really?! Using the regular lightning cable it came with? I though all those are USB2!

junkmovies -

The iPhone 7 runs at USB 3 speeds? Thats funny because my 2017 Kaby Lake i7 Macbook pro USB-C to lightning cable, and all my other lightning cables, have never transferred to my iPhone 7+ faster than USB 2.0 speeds. 100GB/14,000 songs takes like an hour to transfer?

Tom M -

Data transfer speeds via Lightning adapter is becoming less and less important—the last iTunes update removed iOS apps from iTunes. Apple is pushing more and more data transfers over wireless.

Yoron -

Would like to see the Camera Sensor size compared against the iPhone 7’s.

Gaurav Dey - Yanıt

Yes please! iFixit help us out and show a comparison of the 7 and 8 main camera sensors? The 8 is supposed to have a bigger sensor.

Mike R -

Are there any unidentified chips that are 3mm x 3mm ?

Vash Kae - Yanıt

Does anyone know if CYPD2104 also included in IP8 like IPAD PRO?

Ritty - Yanıt

Yes, there is. Refer to Step 12.

On the PCB photo, right side next to Toshiba chip, there is one chip which chip marking is “CPD2”. The chip is between Toshiba chip, Qualcomm PMD9655 and Apple 338S00248.

JJ Wu -

Does anyone know the main sensor they are using the 8/8Plus? I’ve read that it’s a bigger sensor online with “deeper wells” for capturing data. But no one online has information regarding the model of the sensor or the micron size of the pixels.

Mike R - Yanıt

Saludos y muchas gracias a esta gran comunidad que día a día se prepara mediante la investigación, observación y experimentación, así se logra la mejora continua y se actualiza el conocimiento y la técnica, muy bien por ello, buenas tardes.

David Molina - Yanıt

Rumor has it there are two generations of the Wireless Charging Coil out on the street. Samsung flagships opting for the faster one and iPhone 8 opting for the slower one. Any truth to that? What are the specs of each? Having trouble finding them in google-land.

bluinc - Yanıt

Samsung boasts “Fast charging “, and Apple boasts “Wireless charging “

That sort of settled it for me.

unklbyl -

Both the iPhone 8 and Samsung’s latest (Note 8) utilize Qi’s Basic Power Profile (5 Watt), with the iPhone capable of receiving 5W, and the Note receiving 4.5W. The LG V30 utilizes the Extended Power Profile (15W) capable of receiving 10.5W. This pulled from the Wireless Power Consortium’s certified devices list (the LG V30 page: (the iPhone 8 page:

The iPhone 8 also supports fast charging—via Apple’s USB-C to Lightning cable (must be USB-C PD) and a compatible wall wart (like Apple’s 29W USB-C wall adapter).

Yoron -

Good )))))))

Deemka - Yanıt

Sorry I can’t take the TRUE TONE comparison until you do a side by side comparison using same front color iPhone. I believe the black front (over-enhance) enhances true tone and white front deemphasizes it.

Ronald Abrigo - Yanıt

thanks a lot for all your help.all your tutos are amazing.thanks a lot

Pablo Grau - Yanıt

Does iphone 8 allow direct transfer of musicvideo from iphone to computer and computer to iphone without itune software.

senata shaha - Yanıt

the iphone 8 is more like the the iphone 7 just sme few other parts have being introduced but looks so complex i dont know how Apple is trying to solve ##%& that will help save the back glass from getting bent after removed

Steven Baffoe - Yanıt

Does anyone know the screw size next to the lightning port on the bottom of the phone?

splhcb78 - Yanıt

If you’re talking about the two exterior screws, they’re the same as in past iPhones—you’ll need a P2 Pentalobe driver to remove them.

Jeff Suovanen -

I see a very small gap between the frame and screen on my iphone 8 plus,is this normal? Does it compromise with the water resistance in any way?

darpanchoudhary - Yanıt

Good iPhone 8 tear down work and does the high score means we can repair it ourselves?

Mandy - Yanıt

I have someone that broke the glass of the camera, does anyone know if this is interchangeable and can be change without opening the phone?

jluzbet - Yanıt

How do I find a logic bored for a iphone 8 ?


How do I get a logic bored for a iphone 8 I can't seen to find one


hi i need ic touch iphone 8 plus

zaniar.ezat43 - Yanıt

I cracked the camera glass on the back of the phone. Is it possible to replace without replacing the entire housing?

Chris - Yanıt

Does anyone know how many cycles the lightning port is rated for?

Abhinav Bala - Yanıt

Does anyone have a resource who can recover data from the flash memory of an iPhone 8? If the logic board is defective is it possible to recover the data?

ABbsr - Yanıt

Where’s the Microphone?

The microphone is intermittently distant and muffled. I want to check the connections. Any suggestions? I’ll get the tools if I have good troubleshooting steps, thanks!

daniel Bodden - Yanıt

The primary microphones are at either side of the Lightning port, mounted onto the port’s flex cable. There’s an additional mic on the back, near the camera. First make sure your mic holes are clean—no need to open your phone if they’re just a little clogged up with pocket lint. Good luck!

Jeff Suovanen -

I miss this IPhone. Ultra clean, thin, big screen, high ppi, no useless stuf written on back, small camera. Why did I exchange mine for the ugly 11, I can’t forgive myself.

Yuri eu - Yanıt

hi! There’s a cable in step 4… I just broke it. I think it’s the ear speaker. Camera works, speakerphone works, but not the ear speaker (and maybe something else; I haven’t put it all back together again. This process of saving 120 bucks for a new LCD is gonna cost me.

Anyway, can you tell me what it’s called? (its part # is, maybe, b21-01133-03.

it’s that top curvy cable, the only one at the top that connects one side of the phone to the other…

Thank you.

Kal Baumwart - Yanıt

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esther johnson - Yanıt

hi gays i have 8g in 2g network is no problem but 3g and 4g show noservice any slotion plz

Safiullah Zamani - Yanıt

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