Pentax LX Rubber Dampers
Replacement dampers for the Pentax LX
A model file containing all of the necessary rubber dampers for the Pentax LX can be found on the main camera page. The file is designed to be 3D printed using a soft thermoplastic such as TPU or TPE. Individual dampers can be snipped from the sprues and used to replace old degraded rubber dampers.
- Top row left: Main damper found in the mirror mechanism.
- Top row right: Right side mirror rest. Three different sizes are provided. Pick the one that fits your camera and mirror the best.
- Second row: Extra material 1 mm thick.
- Third row: Left side mirror rest. A range of thicknesses from 1.2 mm to 1.8 mm are provided. Pick the thickness that gives a mirror angle closest to 45°.
- Bottom row: Mirror return stop damper. A range of thickness from 1.0 mm to 1.6 mm are provided. Dampers will need to be cut to length to fit on the tab.
Kılavuz Referansları(1)
Pentax LX Mirror Box Mechanism Disassembly |
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