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We recently had a complete power outage which may have caused this problem but the Dell was protected by a Tripp-Lite UPS....
Devamını okuI'm helping someone who dropped their MacBook and they "think" it hit the ground near the hinge. There is a dark smudge on...
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Since you can connect to an external monitor IMHO I think you are correct. It sounds like the LCD display connectors have been damaged. I’ve never repaired/replaced that but perhaps the iFixIt archives will have something? Good luck.
Devamını okuI would get an estimate on the total repair costs making sure they include labor in addition to parts. Do they offer a one year warranty? Compare that to a new model iPad or even one that Apple has refurbished. Apple has relatively good pricing and if you don’t want to spring for a new one the refurbished ones are a good deal with a one year warranty and covered by Apple’s 14-day return policy. Also I have had sad results using 3rd party iPad chargers and cables. Yes, they are less expensive but the wires inside break easier and some even heat up the ports which “may” have caused the distortion in your iPad. Try CDW: https://www.cdw.com/product/apple-lightning-cable-lightning-usb-2.0-3.3-ft/5124012?pfm=srh Your model iPad is still supported by Apple so may be okay for a few more years. Good luck.
Devamını okuFound support and manuals for the PF1500 here. Good luck! https://www.lg.com/us/support-product/lg-PF1500
Devamını okuCheck the rollers inside the fuser assembly. If they don't look smooth they may have overheated. You may also want to check for tiny shreds of paper stuck inside the fuser assembly or any damage to the rollers. That can cause the next paper going through to jam inside the fuser assembly. There is a limit to the lifespan on a fuser assembly so you may want to order a replacement. I just took a quick look and I don't know if iFixIt carries these but you can get a new one from PrinterTechs.com. I've had very good success with them. A word of advice though, if the printer you are trying to repair is the HP LJ Pro 400 M401 listed above check the installation instructions first on PrinterTechs.com before ordering. This looks like one of the HP models that requires you to completely dismantle the printer--covers, lid, doors, drawers, and disconnecting and reconnecting electrical connections. It may be more economical, including the value of your time, to consider a new printer. Good luck.
Devamını okuI agree with Dan that you may be better off saving your pennies for a newer system. That version is considered obsolete so software and OS updates may look up to date but they just aren't being updated by Apple anymore. If a new Mac purchase is too expensive you may want to check the Apple web site for their refurbished models. They are thoroughly rebuilt and tested and less expensive than new. Today I see an offer for a refurbished 12-in MacBook 1.1 GHz Dual-Core Intel from 2016 in gold or silver for $949. https://www.apple.com/shop/browse/home/s...
Devamını okuThank you for the reply! The outlets tested fine and the UPS tester said battery was good. I allowed it to charge 24 hours. I found an application for the Tripp-Lite UPS called "PowerAlert Network Shutdown Agent Software" that is free. Works on Windows and Linux. Had to connect the UPS and computer with an additional USB cable. From the PANSA user's guide: "PowerAlert Network Shutdown Agent (PANSA) monitors one or two network-attached Tripp Lite UPS systems for specific power events, takes the appropriate action to preserve backup power, and protects sensitive equipment from damage. Example actions include shutting down the computer receiving UPS backup power when the UPS enters a low battery condition or, in a VMware application, signaling an ESXi Host to shut down. If the ESXi Host is a member of a high availability cluster, the desired response to the low battery event could be to shut down the virtual machines running on the host before shutting down the host itself."
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