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hmm… I think I could have written a better guide myself. Okay so I have a 3 pin XLR for phase does anyone know how this works also I noted that the fuse was melted into its holster and the pump seems dead. My Fogger also has some kind of potentiometer which controls the heating element which is like a ceramic sandwich and two spark plugs… I also was wondering if glycerin fog juice can be made with vegetable glycerin or the glycol type or if this is what cloggs the machine. Also will clr work or be dangerous fume wise? Can you market glycerine as fog juice thickener like STP fuel additives for cars?? g0pg.xyz is my website you can learn how to force push graphite if you look for the post with yoda!
fixed the white cable on the left under lcd by snipping off a bit. thankfully the contacts arent stacked like the other cables. by taping the sensor i am taking better photos.
ps under the lcd are two screws to take off the lcd mount but first u need to remove buttons ribbon cable. be careful since the ribbon cables are cheap injust watched the gold connecter flake off mine so my repair is foiled litterly. plus i noticed corrosion on the usb/kodak connector and more corrosion at the top at cn0901 and cn0902 maybe thats why the camera was taking bad photos with lines and pinkish colors. i am going to snip some ribbon cable off to try and fix it. The white cable is what give me problems.
to lift lcd there are four clips two on top two on right side.
Thank you this was helpful. I think I fixed my screen flickers the LCD ribbon is under the battery and the ribbon from the volume board on the right I think that's related to the screen rotation lock. Those needed to be flipped up and reseated. Thanks
I need an io board for cheap... I might have to make a guide on how to attempt to repair io card without proper tools and a filed down soldering iron tip