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Hi Pau! one thing i will ask about this, does the screen seem to artifact like you describe when you have it on and you adjust the angle of the monitor forward or back? if so this will let you know it is either a connection issue to the board or the inside of the monitor. The one connection is sounds like you have not checked is behind the glass of the monitor, its can be difficult to get the glass off to check this. A heat gun is kind of needed to do this. IF your monitor doesnt artifact as you move the monitor like you are opening and closing the laptop then its probably not the cable that is the issue. But from reading your post its really detailed i want to gravitate towards the LCD connection like i said either at the board or behind the glass in your monitor to the bottom of the LCD/Backlight.
Devamını okuI would assume the same if it showed no power being plugged in, but if I'm not mistaken there probably is a ground that is not in place correctly and is not allowing it to power on, I would start with a good video on a tear down and as ur following it take inventory of anything that might be missing or out of place https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1JAhv9Ed-N4 I watched some of this seems to be enough to locate anything missing, I can't find the video I originally watched to learn how to taredown one but let me know what u find
Devamını okuThat does sound like quite a few problems, let's start with the battery and say it's bad, and u ordered a new one so we will wait on the results with that, next u say without the battery it goes through stages of powering on and off and then fully boots, then sometimes will reboot itself or blue screen on u, have u checked to see if this is a heat issue, make sure the fan is not obstructed and is spinning like normal possibly a new fan may be in order, what happened when u tried changing out the MagSafe board as well I'm not sure if that has anything to do with these issues seeing as it will do power on normally and still do all this irregular stuff, and to me it for sure does not sound like a graphics issue, u might check the error codes on the blue screens and fail screen your getting as well
Devamını okuThis will be a pickup roller issue https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V_EqNay10t... This might help, of course these hp printers go out a lot of times within the warranty, locate the HP S/N and input it here to see if you still have a warranty http://h20564.www2.hp.com/hpsc/wc/public...
Devamını okuHey, from your post it sounds like your looking for a motherboard and cannot find one, sounds like u have tested the PSU, and I'm not certain what switch is good, but if u can provide me with the motherboard number I'm sure either I or someone here can find u a mobo for this PC, alternative, I'm not certain that this PC is actually worth getting another mobo for it http://m.ebay.com/itm/eMachine-ET1831-2GB-500GB-Intel-Celeron-CPU-450-2-20GHz-7-DVD-Burner-Memory-Ca-/282006558969?nav=SEARCH Here is a similar PC and is going for 110$, this might be the route you take http://m.ebay.com/itm/MCP73VT-PM-eMachines-ET1810-ET1830-ET1831-Motherboard-w-cpu-and-ram-/222077343625?nav=SEARCH Here is a mobo I think it might be the right one but I cannot confirm without the mobo number, but see the price for a full one of these is going for around the same price as the mobo itself, but let us know if u need anything else
Devamını okuSounds like the engine is getting under stress when engaging the blade and cuts off, check the belts and the blade very carefully and see what is going on see if the belts or the blade is obstructed, make sure that there is no short, you would be surprised that if the seat gets shorted out while engaging it will kill the motor lol let us know what u find
Devamını okuyou say u put a good entire lcd assembly that is confirmed working fine on this logic board and same issue, sounds like logic board problem=a parts MacBook, sorry bro
Devamını okuiPhone 5s Volume Controls Replacement step 27 illustrates what is securing these buttons in place, i would suggest taking it back apart to this step and when ur putting it back together to check and make sure that all function properly before complete reassembly, let us know if this helped
Devamını okuyes this can be done, but it poses a problem, if u get a working phone for the logic board then there is not much reason to swap out the boards, because you have a working phone to begin with, im not certain where you could get your hands on a logic board that is confirmed to work in your area, but swapping out logic boards can be done iPhone 5s Logic Board Replacement
Devamını okuhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ--npLpSGM i know this is not a great video but it shows how to apply the new belt and he explains what is needed to be done, if im not mistaken one of the wheels that the belt goes around is adjustable to tighten the belt, you do not want the belt too tight or else it will not disengage when pressing the clutch, hence if its too tight the clutch wheel will always be engaged, let me know if this was helpful if not i will make a video to show u want im talking about
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