Second issue (my first was too long to cover both)...
The other issue is to include that the white cable that goes to the power button needs to be reinserted into the adapter on the cover just before snapping the cover back on.
Thank you for a great guide. It literally took me 20 minutes to remove.
I have the p55w-5813 with a factory mSATA, and this was GREAT. . Two issues, though. . First, *THERE ARE SCREWS UNFER ~BOTH~ REAR FOOTPADS*. I removed the one shown in your guide, endind up with the specified 10 screws. I even removed the other footpad, just in case. . Unfortunately, the white sticky bottom must have seperated from the pad, so a quick look showed a smooth white surface. I proceeded to remove the cover, and it was only when putting the bottom cover back on, that I saw the that corner had been secured identical twin screws under the footpad. . The cover had came off because the think plastic/metal snapped around them when I removed it with gentle pressure. I wish I had a way of attaching a picture to illustrate the placement of the screws and the chunk it took out. If you would update your instructions where you say there aren't any under that footpad, you'll save a lot of people (at least with my specific model) from broken bottom covers.