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Ein genaueres Bild der Innenseite des Oberteils wäre hilfreich um zu sehen wo die Clips sind die den Controller zusammenhalten !
Servus !
Danke für die Anleitung. Ich beabsichtige nächstes Jahr das Oberteil meines Elite 2 auszutauschen weil es sich anscheinend auflöst.
I have an old iMac 1418 with 1TB HDD … WHERE do I see if it has a Fusion Drive or only a normal HDD ?
I assume replacing the HDD with a SATA SSD is slower than using a PCIE 2.0 x4 blade SSD with at least 256GB … how much slower would replacing a Fusion Drive with a SATA SSD bee, compared to replacing the Fusion Drive with a blade SSD with at least 256GB ?
Lieber James, leider bin ich nicht in der Lage deinen Beitrag zu lesen. Versuchs doch mal mit Englisch ;-P
Actually I can’t complain about iFixits batteries as I haven’t bought any until now ;-P
Reading THIS I am reluctant to replace my 10 year old battery in my MacBook Pro with a new one from ifixit … it already feels SOFT and looks a bit swollen since several years, but doesn’t pry my laptop apart ( noticed it when I replaced the HDD with SSD )
If you keep you battery separate and it doesn’t show any signs of bloating, you should periodically check if the battery is still charged at least 50% !
Especially LiIon batteries of Laptops might get damaged if they get discharged below a certain threshold, and keeping it charged between 50-80% will be healthier for your battery.
Usually the company which SOLD you the device with the battery is responsible for recycling it !
If you bought the device ONLINE, it is usually better to look for a shop in you area wich was selling these product, or is selling newer versions of the same BRAND and ask them if they take back the defect battery. I live in Vienna, Austria, EU and here these shops usually don’t charge extra for taking back single defective LiIon-batteries. Otherwise ask a repair shop in your area if they take the defective battery cheaper.
If the battery is already prying apart the the device in which it is used, give the device to a PROFESSIONAL, or remove it as soon as possible yourself and put it in a metal bucket with SAND below the battery because of fire hazard !
If the device doesn’t show any signs of bloating, just discharge the battery by viewing Videos or other tasks which use much energy until the device shuts down itself because of low battery. Then disassemble the device and remove the battery, storing it in a fireproofed metal container which you put into a bag ( don’t keep this battery in a pocket of your clothing because of fire hazard ! ) and bring it to a store or waste facility which knows how to handle bloated LiIon batteries as soon as possible.
When I replaced the original drive in my refurbished 2012 Mac Book Pro, I noticed that the battery is swollen a bit and feels soft when touched. From outside nothing indicates this and MacOS still thinks that the battery is ok. So I left it inside and had no problems with it since several years until now.
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