I have a lot of WD drives, I'm a Vietnam based photographer and I use them to store my work on. I travel regularly for work so I keep three copies of every drive so that I can travel with two drives and leave one behind in case I get robbed while I am travelling. When all three drives are full I send the third drive back to my home country of Australia in case something happens to my drives in Vietnam. I have been using WD drives since 2012 and I now have 24 drives in total. In the past six months I've had this happen twice so I am thankful that I always keep backups of everything. On a side note I sync the backups using a program called Cronosync which syncs all new and updated files automatically at the click of a button. Anyway luckily both of effected drives where still under warranty when it happened and both where backed up onto other copies. WD replaced the drives within a few days of me notifying them of the problem as well. So for anyone whom does have a backup (and anything important should be...