Sounds like there is some sort of air bubble or extra space left over from the screen replacement. I would recommend taking it off again (if you did it yourself, otherwise take it to a repair shop) and making sure everything is perfectly smoothed out as you put it back on. Otherwise it may just be a small warping of the touch screen itself, in which case it should still be in warranty since you just replaced it and you can get a different one. Hope this helps and happy halloween!
Original: First step, leave it in a sealed container filled with uncooked rice for 12 - 24 hours based on how much water went inside. Uncooked rice is a desiccant that removes water from everything around it. Edit: Apparently while rice will remove the water, it can damage the device in the process. Here is a guide to doing it properly: Don't Put Your Device in Rice. Here's Why...
Are you in a basement or in a place with large electrical interference? That could be messing with the signal to the device. Alternatively, are your headphones frayed or damaged? This device uses your headphones as its antenna. If the headphones do not function, the device has a broken antenna and replacing the headphones would be a good idea. If those do not work, check the audio jack for debris or dust that could dilute the signal and clean it as necessary with clean tweezers or an unused toothpick.
She will be fine. If it is synthetic oil it can sometimes last a couple thousand miles more than the average change, however make sure to replace the oil filter as well at least every couple oil changes and reset the diagnostic information right after you change the oil/filter otherwise it will still say ~20%. Keep in mind, when it says 20 % it can be anywhere between 20 and 11 % if I recall from the owner's manual. Hope this helps :) I have the same car.
Many times there is a sticker on the left side of the glove compartment containing the radio code. Check there first, because sometimes the Honda dealer can charge you to look up the correct code.
Many times there is a sticker on the left side of the glove compartment containing the radio code. Check there first, because sometimes the Honda dealer can charge you to look up the correct code.
Has it been sitting there for a while? If it tries to turn over, then the battery is fine. When was the last time you replaced your plugs and wires? It seems like its the actual starter or some component thereof rather than the battery. Hope this helps