Some connector inside the iphone is been inserted the wrong way. open up the iphone and check. you could have also damaged parts by shorting them or electro-static discharge.
Yes, you can replace the border around the screen by dismantling the 3Ds. There are gobs of adhesive securing the screen assembly so it would be a difficult but possible replacement.
This is a TV signal fetcher/extender. Used in the 1980/90s to improve signal to tv's that didn't use a roof antenna. Also could be a range extender for a signal like wifi.
Two Possible Problems: Your burner's gas valve has worn out and it leaks. It needs to be replaced. A leaky gas valve is a fire hazard. Or, the connector from the burner knob to the valve control has weakened. The plastic is in a shape that does not fully operate the valve. Both of these problems are easily replaceable.