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Hello. I'm having some difficulty locating this one, so I thought I'd try asking here. Looking for a clean BIOS dump for a...
Devamını okuHello. I am troubleshooting an iPad Pro 12.9" 3rd Generation for no touch. There is a component that has a visible burn...
Devamını okuHello. Working on an Apple iPad Pro 3rd Generation 12.9" that has a weird issue. When the display is NOT connected, the...
Devamını okuHello. I am working on an iPad 7 (2019) that came in for no display. Customer said the screen flashed green and then...
Devamını okuHey guys. I have an iPhone XR that I am working on that suffers from liquid damage and currently does not power on or...
Devamını okuGot a PS4 Slim - motherboard model SAD-002 with no power after a possible lightning strike. No beeps, no lights, nothing....
Devamını okuGot an iPhone XR in the other day for a screen replacement. The screen was dropped and whatever it fell on, made a pretty...
Devamını okuGot a Nintendo Switch LCD FPC connector that is damaged and I need to find a compatible replacement from mouser, digikey,...
Devamını okuSwitch had a damaged USB-C port with broken pins. Replaced the USB-C port with a new one and now it charges fine and...
Devamını okuI have a customer who has brought a DNX690HD car stereo to me to try and troubleshoot/fix for them. Car stereos are not my...
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This could be the DC-IN board, but more than likely this is a board-level problem. You could try replacing the DC-IN board if you’ve ruled out the power adapter already with an Apple branded, known-good charger. If this does not solve the issue you will need to further troubleshoot. You will need a schematic and boardview file for your logic board. These can be found by Googling. You will also need a multimeter and likely a soldering iron or hot air station to repair this. On page 51 of the schematic you will find the SYS_ONEWIRE circuit diagram. This is where you should begin troubleshooting. You should probably watch some of Louis Rossmann’s YouTube videos on the SYS_ONEWIRE circuit before attempting to repair this if you are not experienced with troubleshooting at this level.
Devamını okuThis is usually a bad display. Replace the display and you should be good to go.
Devamını okuThe display itself appears to be showing signs of aging. This will likely get worse as time goes on and the solution is to replace the display.
Devamını okuTo anyone facing this issue, the problem seems to lie in the replacement screens themselves. A workaround is to go into Settings > System > Gestures and turn OFF “Double Tap To Check Phone" After turning this gesture off, the phone works normally.
Devamını okuIt looks like the tension spring or the bar it sits on is damaged, misaligned, or has launched itself completely out of the controller altogether. Did this problem occur after you opened the controller up for another reason or did it start on it’s own without ever opening the controller first? I would check to see if that spring/bar is in fact present and correctly aligned. That seems to be your issue. While I am sure there are many places to buy a replacement spring/bar, here is one place you can buy it if you do need to replace it: https://www.dhgate.com/product/lt-rt-button-spring-for-xboxone-xbox-one/396937220.html#seo=WAP
Devamını okuThe missing home button gasket is most likely your issue. Definitely replace it, but while we’re in there, check the bracket itself and make sure that the little raised piece on the bracket is still in tact. This is what the actual click mechanism on the home button pushes into to make the click. I’ve attached a picture and circled the area I am referring to. I’ve seen a couple of times where this piece broke/fell off so there was nothing to press into the click mechanism on the home button itself. Doesn’t hurt to take a look while you’ve got it off. As you’ve already guessed, the missing gasket is most likely the problem. When adhered to the screen properly, it allows the button to “spring back” towards the screen after you’ve pressed it. Without it, with every button press, you’re sort of brute force pushing the button into the bracket, which could account for the screws working themselves loose. You want to get the screws “finger tight”. Don’t torque them down with any sort of force, but just enough you...
Devamını okuSeveral possibilities here. The battery could have been damaged so it is not providing the required power to the board. You could try disconnecting the battery and plugging in your AC power adapter alone and try running the computer. The high temperatures inside the car may have warped or flexed the BGA solder connections underneath the Intel CPU or the soldered on memory module ICs just enough to cause them to not be solidly soldered to the motherboard - even causing what’s called “micro-fractures”. The process of “reflowing” may fix this problem, but without knowing for sure if that is what happened, it could make things worse. If it were me, I’d use a multimeter and try to measure power at key points on the board to see if it appears to be getting proper power. Measure the voltage coming out of the battery and at the battery connector when plugged in and on. You may be able to find schematics for the board if you Google the motherboard model number along with “schematics boardview”. That would...
Devamını okuWithout the exact model of your mower, it’s sort of hard to help with any exact information, but check the PTO switch itself. It may have been damaged while you were connecting the battery. Failing that, I would check the clutch solenoid. Good luck. Also, this YouTube video might prove helpful in troubleshooting the PTO switch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLavJ6Qe...
Devamını okuTo enter Safe Mode without a working power button, remove the entire top cover of the PS4 and look for the small gold square underneath where the power button sits. This is your power button. It responds to touch, so you can use your finger or a small plastic tool to press this gold square to power on the PS4, power it off, or enter Safe Mode. Once in Safe Mode, try updating the firmware as it suggested you do to see if it corrects the problem.
Devamını okuLaunch a web browser and enter the IP address: It should prompt for admin login. Default username is “admin” default password is blank. Now that you are logged into the router, you can change the default Wi-Fi password, the default admin password, or make any other changes to the router that you need.
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TechWizards of Blairsville Ltd. Co.
Provides computer, smartphone, tablet, HDTV, and game...
TechWizards of Blairsville Ltd. Co
Computer, smartphone, tablet, game console, and HDTV repair.
TechWizards of Blairsville
Repair of smartphones, tablets, computers, game consoles,...