Does the LCD screen replacement will solve the problem? —-NO Is it a problem with motherboard so, I may not able to recover normal bright screen of the phone even replacing the LCD screen? —-YES
lol... just go to your iCloud setting in a pc or Mac.. then disable the feature and they will send a code to your device (iPhone/ipad) and that be it... (I hate that too)
buy lcd with frame used and original try to get a pulled from a working device one.. oem used will be the best bet.. get it according your carrier (dont just get any one) if its Verizon g925v if its Tmobile g925t ect.. p for sprint and a for att.. will cost u about 130.. sell the good lcd bad glass you have (buy back will be 20to40).. and you will install it fast and easy with a tutorial with out damaging anything (well maybe the backglass, not for beginners ether).. good luck!
must purchase the complete lcd and frame.. its about 10 to 15 buck more than just lcd anole.. that will make your job easy... must have the tools Essential Electronics Toolkit and it will be similar steps like here ZTE ZMax Pro (Z981) Disassembly good luck.
Sorry, But No it is not compatible.. s6 is totally different from s6edge... also be ware with the charging port you will use... there is a small difference with the antennas.. I use Verizon version of charging ports for all my s6 repairs. (but if you have a tmo phone use tmo or sprint use sprint. ect. good luck..
poke the mesh with something small like the sim tray ejector.. poke its in the left Conner of the mesh... but use this temporary because you want to make sure you put new mesh and make sure you don't have a hole during raining days.
Backlight filter Gone, this happens once in a blue due to static or mis connection (both 6s 6sp remains with power in the last 3 pins of the connector 3.8v, if battery stay connected and even its off) . use an anti-static wrist band wen doing 6s 6sp.