I had the same issue. Didn't even need the replacement part for the fix. The button on the board did got misplaced. I glued a small plastic piece on it so the bumper can reach it again. Fells the same as before, sounds slightly different if you know about it. I hope it helps.
Falls es dann immer noch nicht funktioniert, ist wahrscheinlich die kleine taste auf der Tastenplatine verbogen. Ich habe es mit einem kleinem Stück Plastik und Sekundenkleber gefixt bekommen.
I had the same problem. Even the reset button combination didn't work. I teared that thing down to see uf maybe the speaker connections were broken, but it seemed good. The solution was to unplug the battery and replug it again. After that everything wirked fine. For dismemberment you will need a soldering iron.