Does anybody have boardview schematics for this specific model? Revision C. I can only find Rev A boards online and even then they’re not full board views. My Mini is having some bad logic board problems (fans spin up to max speed immediately upon plugging in, no power button required), diagnostic LEDs don’t turn on, and other than the fan it’s the only sign of life it has. The Mini will just sit there for however long on full speed fans unless I unplug the machine, no display, and unresponsive to me either pressing the power button or jumping the pins. If I’m lucky I can leave it sit for a couple hours, unplug it and replug it a few times, switch a RAM stick to the other slot or some other obscure fix, and then get the diagnostic LED to turn back on but the Mini just panics upon starting and won’t get into OS X. After it panics it’ll reboot and the diagnostic LEDs are gone again, and it’s back to the fan turning itself on and not turning off. lts really hit and miss at this point and unless my one wire circuit is destroyed I’m not sure why my fan is being turned on by ghosts. I’ve gotten the device to boot with my RAM (6GB DDR3) so I don’t think that’s the issue but I’m leaning towards the idea it’s a bad SMC. Of course that’s not a super easy repair so a schematic or board view would help a bunch. If anyone else has dealt with any similar problems I’d appreciate some insight!