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Considering that you’ve tried external monitors suggests that the screen itself isn’t the defective component, as the hard drive indicator light is a solid light as you mentioned could mean that there is no activity in the drive. Because of this, it leads me to believe that the motherboard might be the issue. A possible way to troubleshoot this is to remove the GPU (if possible) and check for an output from the screen.
Devamını okuMacBooks aren’t my strong suite. But I’d suggest taking a look at the connection between the back-light and the motherboard.
Devamını okuI think the best way to replace the charging port would be to order a replacement port. De-solder the old one from the motherboard, and solder the replacement port in its place.
Devamını okuI would suggest taking a look at the devices battery. You can buy them on eBay for about £5 new. Possible but unlikely one of the fuses in your device could be fried.
Devamını okuYour Playstation does that when it doesn’t detect a game or CD. If you have any CD’s I would try testing the console to see if it plays any music, if it does then your games are either scratched, or dirty. If it doesn’t work then you have to either clean the laser that reads the disc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CzVLMSz.... Or replace the laser: PlayStation Optical Drive Replacement. Hope I’ve been able to help! :)
Devamını okuI think that your HDD might be the issue. You might want to replace it with an SSD, they’re much faster and it will make your laptop work much faster than before. Although if you do this you won’t have access to your old files, so what I’d recommend you do is buy something like this https://www.gearbest.com/cables-connectors/pp_009871744607.html?wid=1433... (It’s a Sata to USB cable) and once you’ve got your SSD into your laptop, copy the files from your HDD using the Sata to USB. Remember you’ll also need to download a new operating system, you can get Windows 10, and Linux based operating systems for free. But older versions of Windows will unfortunately cost you some money.
Devamını okuPerhaps your phone needs updating, or the app you use needs updating.
Devamını okuSomething like these two? Hope I was able to help! :)
Devamını okuI’m not entirely sure what the issue is, but I think it could be that the battery doesn’t work anymore. You can find a new battery at https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cameron-Sino-1500mAh-Replacement-Battery-Black/dp/B01JFOMRBG/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&q...-3&keywords=samsung+galaxy+j1+mini+batter... Hope I’ve been able to help! :)
Devamını okuI had the same issue with my HP laptop. What’s wrong with your ThinkPad is that your HDD/SSD is broken. These can range from about £15 - £100 ($20 - $130) Depending on how much storage you want, SSD’s are faster but have less storage and cost more, while HDD’s are cheaper, have more storage, but much slower. You’ll also need to install an operating system onto the new HDD/SSD. Windows 10 can be downloaded for free at https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows10. If you aren’t sure how to install the HDD/SSD or a new operating system, there are plenty of videos on Youtube explaining how. I hope I’ve been able to help! :)
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