This camera switches to night vision mode when there isn't enough light. in this mode the picture is black and white. It's a function of the camera and is normal. if it's happening during the day/ in good light, there may be a problem with the camera, or something blocking the lens?
It is possible either the camera or the card is broken. Check fit with another card. If it's the camera, you need a professional repair, or maybe you should replace it.
Check if your settings are set too high. for sunny days, a setting of 1/200th at ISO 200 andf16 is standard, but may vary based on conditions. I imagine one of these is too high. try shooting on full auto to see if it changes.
Your lens is probably damaged. Check the connections on the back of the lens . make sure they are not corroded You may be able to clean the contacts with an eraser. Good luck.