There is two way to reset 1. Hard reset 2. Soft reset Hard Reset:- (1) Find a reset button on the device. (2) Generally hidden back of the router. (3) Use Paperclip to press the button. (4) Press it for approx 10 to 15 second. (5) Release the button and restart it. (6) Now your router is ready to connect. Soft Reset:- * For this you need to check that is your computer is connected with network or not. (1) Once connected. Open a web browser and type your router IP address. (2) For belkin it is (3) This will open a belkin setup page. (4) Use the username and password. * Once you logged in. (1) you found a option with labele Reset Router. (2) Select it and router will have cycled or under go in the process of resetting.