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How to Fix Error “whea_uncorrectable_error” on Windows 8.1, Windows 10 Quick solution to fix “whea_uncorrectable_error” in Windows 10 Step 1: Download this PC Scan & Repair tool Step 2: Click “Start Scan” to find Windows issues that could be causing “whea_uncorrectable_error” in Windows 10 Step 3: Click “Start Repair” to fix all issues. Solution 1 – Disable Overclock in BIOS The most common fix for whea_uncorrectable_error is disabling overclock from your BIOS. To do that, just follow these steps: Open Start Menu and go to Settings Go to Update and Security, and then to Recovery tab Click on Advanced Startup and your computer will restart On advanced startup, Go to Troubleshoot, then Advanced Options and then UEFI Firmware Settings Click Restart After the computer is restarted, it should open BIOS automatically, so go Advanced tab Than to Performance, and look for Overclocking Make sure overclocking is disabled Save changes to BIOS (by pressing F10 on your keyboard), and start your computer normally After...
Devamını okuMany times I have had issues with USB Cables, look for a Thick Cable USB cable and then try again.
Devamını okuIf it is a Window OS program. Download AVAST AV Free and then do an update of virus definitions and then a Boottime Scan after install. If it is good then install Malwarebytes Anti-malware and do a definition update and do a full scan. If that is good, then download and install Glary Utilities and run it. If then that is good you might need to do a HDD Cleaning and Defrag. Thats all I got.
Devamını okuIs there any video input to the TV because many new TV's will turn off after about a minute if there isn't any video signal detected. Try connecting a DVD player and play a DVD then turn on your TV. Then if it doesn't stay on then in the correct Input mode in this case either DTV or DVD or even Aux. Whatever input you use the TV should now show it. If it still turns off then it is probably a power issue.
Devamını okuYou will probably need to replace the keyboard. Plug in a USB Keyboard and test if the keys on an external keyboard will work. If it does the the Laptop's internal keyboard needs replacing. This happens either due to wear and tear. But most likely there was some liquid spilled on the keyboard.
Devamını okuBoot the computer while pressing F8. then have it start-up from the Last Known time it was working. See if that helps. If it boots up then you should go here. (If it doesn't then it is up to you what to do.) http://www.askvg.com/fix-windows-7-keeps-checking-for-updates-for-hours/ Install all 8 Windows 7 updates. Then do the rest of the updates using the Normal Windows Updates.
Devamını okuThere is a program called Syncros or something like that, anyway look it up in google. Install it and plug in your computer and see if you can access you IPAD. If you can get your files off of it.
Devamını okuFirst - does it turn on? If it does then Second - try to restore it using Apple ITunes when connected to a computer. Third - Does it work or is there an error code? If there is an error code then google it online and tell us what you find. Good Luck!
Devamını okuDid you look for it in your network Bottom section of File Manger - Labelled Network. My Network Drive only shows up in the network since mine only connects to a network and has no USB connector. When you connected it to the PlayStation 4 did it in any way format or configure the drive to work with the PS4. If it did then it might of - formatted that Drive and now it will only work with the PS4. I would go to the WD Website to see if there is any Recovery software for your WD Live Book.
Devamını okuGet your Model # off of the back of your computer and then get a 4Gig USB Drive and go to Samsung's webpage and download the updated firmware to that thumb-drive and open the file(UNZIP) on that drive making sure it is opened on the root level of the thumb-drive. Plug the thumb-drive into the maintenance USB port of your TV. Then load the new firmware using the firmware upgrade in your menu settings of your TV's menu system. Wait until the upgrade is complete. (Do Not turn off the TV during this otherwise you could permanently break your TV. )
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