Here’s what a guy selling a Sonos Connect on ebay wrote: “The problem is that the capacitors used in these units are cheap and they fail with time. The problem is made worse with use (since these devices never really power down), but that is not the cause -- I have opened up 10 year old units that were in brand new condition and found the capacitors failing. Failing capacitors change shape (bulge) and/or leak. As this happens, their electrical characteristics change, and they don't operate as they should. Symptoms of bad capacitors include trouble booting up, random reboots, random network disconnections, or other communication errors that prevent the device from working as it should. I open these up and replace the problematic capacitors. I use better replacement parts than the original ones, and as a result the device will last for many years.” Here’s the link to the actual page on ebay: I hope this helps.