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When replacing a failed flash unit with new Sony spare, DO NOT THROW THE OLD ONE AWAY.
When you undo the two screws which secure the top cover of the flash - which does NOT come with the spare flash unit - you will see a small rectangular metal contact on the left side of the flash tube (when viewed as in the first of the three pics above). This is NOT a contact, it is in fact a very small neodymium magnet. Replacement flash units (including genuine Sony ones) do NOT come with this magnet.
When fitting a new flash you need to gently prise this magnet out of the old flash and fit it in the same position on the new flash - it is just a press fit - BEFORE you fit the top over.
If you DON’T transfer the magnet from the failed flash to the new one, the camea can’t detect when the flash is closed. This results in the flash triggering even when closed.
OK - part number for official Sony replacement flash unit for ILCE-5100 camera is 149279515.
You can find that on the webite for eetgroup, Sony’s official UK spares distributor. If you are a consumer, they will direct you to another outfit in the UK called Your IT Delivered who sell them on line.
There are a couple of points to note when replacing a failed flash which I’ve added to the teardown
Seem this site doesn’t like posting links.
OK - part number for official Sony replacement flash unit for ILCE-5100 camera is 149279515.
You can find that on the webite for eetgroup, Sony’s official UK spares distributor. If you are a consumer, they will direct you to another outfit in the UK called Your IT Delivered who sell them on line.
There are a couple of points to note when replacing a failed flash which I’ve added to the teardown
Couple of comments to add to this:
The “latch” for the display flex cable is in fact the thin strip on the OPPOSITE side to which the flex cable goes in (nearest the bottom of the yellow rectangle in the pic). NOT THE WIDER PART. To release, or “pop”, the catch gently get your finger nail or small plastic tool under the edge of this on the side OPPOSITE where the cable goes in (nearest the bottom of the yellow rectangle) and GENTLY prise upward. It hinges up towards the flex cable.
To re-insert, the catch must be UP (vertical), slide the flex cable in CAREFULLY as far as it will go. Then while keeping it in position, GENTLY push the catch to rotate it down towards the bottom of the camera.
When replacing a failed flash unit with new Sony spare, DO NOT THROW THE OLD ONE AWAY.
On the left side of the flash tube (under the top cover) is a small magnet.
If you DON’T transfer the magnet from the failed flash to the new one, the camea can’t detect when the flash is closed.
The “latch” for the display flex cable is in fact the thin strip on the OPPOSITE side to which the flex cable goes in. NOT THE WIDER PART. To release, or “pop”, the catch gently get your finger nail or small plastic tool under the edge of this on the side OPPOSITE where the cable goes in (the edge NEAREST the BOTTOM of the camera) and GENTLY prise upward. It hinges up towards the flex cable.
To re-insert, the catch must be UP (vertical), slide the flex cable in CAREFULLY as far as it will go. Then while keeping it in position, GENTLY push the catch to rotate it down towards the bottom of the camera.
These instructions are not compete.
Step4: You can’t just remove two screws and “lift off” the scan plate. Where are the instuctions/pics on how to detach the two ribbon cables which connect the scan plate to the main unit? They aren’t even mentioned yet can wreck the scan plate if you don’t know how to safely disconnect them first.
And WHAT VALVE???? There is no valve.
These instructions are not compete. You can’t just remove two screws and “lift off” the scan plate. Where are the instuctions/pics on how to detach the two ribbon cables which connect the scan plate to the main unit?
And WHAT VALVE???? There is no valve.