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Hello all my first topic, thank you. I replaced my screen and digitizer some days ago, Was quite a traumatising...
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If you are really talking about a tv here, I can only say sorry but is dead, replacing a lcd screen is just the whole Tv it doesn't make sense, you could beg for a warranty appeal telling a good history and try to make them replaced, try to say its faulty on its own, and not that your daughter trow a book at it. but otherwise on a tv the lcd or what ever screen technology is it using, the main thing is just the screen. there is some plastic covering a logic board with some cheap processor and all the rest of the price you pay is the screen and the technology build on it... tough luck, You should really private her from eating nutella for at least the next 20 years... cheers
Devamını okuHey Alan, Google exist, do you know ? I googled for 3 seconds and I found someone who coincidentally posted the same question with the same microwave. I give the link: Door will not open after pushing door button Do as mayer say do not attempt repairs on microwaves its really dangerous. I am almost sure that this series and brand of microwave do have a programmed obsolescence that after a certain time the door will brake, the mechanism is probably build and designed with poor plastic, as result it brake after some time. (1 2 days after warranty I guess xD ). Tough luck see you.
Devamını okuHey Paul, don't trow your 3DS just because your 3 screws are striped, On this link bellow there is some one who just got a problem similar to you, I would do as the member Bob lathim did and if you manage to remove them without scratching or destroying your case, the buttons bellow are probably out of contact and you would need to replace them and clean the gold pads inside the console ( to do so use 99% alcohol from a pharmacist), dust dirt sweat from your fingers can slip inside and do some nasty things. Link: How do I unscrew a stripped screw on the lower case? If you manage than to open the console without destroying the case than you are good to go for a champagne bottle well deserved, and to reassemble trow the screws and purchase a cheap screws set on ebay : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Official-Authentic-Nintendo-3DS-REPLACEMENT-SCREW-KIT-19-screw-/271042737029?pt=US_Video_Gaming_Replace... but now If you destroyed your case you would need to purchase a new one some were ex eBay:...
Devamını okuHey Nina how you going, It could be that the digitizer connector inside the phone just went totally loose after you dropped, you could first of all try a stupid operation by simply taking the battery out, sometimes it can fix the problem for many phones, if nothing help than open your device and see if its unplugged and put it back, or simply plug out and in. Here is a good guide made by iFixit: Nexus 7 Display Assembly Replacement (At step 9 you can see the suspect cables). If this plug in and out procedure does not solve, try by cleaning with 99% alcohol the gold pads connectors and test again. If everything fails, check for a fault with your motherboard, and if you are sure everything seems correct with it, than I could only advice of purchasing a new digitizer screen, even if its more expensive of 30$ I would buy the whole Digitizer + LCD The operation to separate the lcd from the lcd glass is tedious and hard, following another iFixt question, (Link bellow) the lcd and digitizer are hold together by a...
Devamını okuHey Sam I am not a mechanic and my knowledges on vehicles are limited, but could it be that the alternator is faulty and your batteries are just dying because they are just not charged. I found this interesting guide here: http://www.allpar.com/fix/nostart.html That probably contains your answer Good luck schusy
Devamını okuHello Judy, good morning, This 3 beeps are related to problem with your Ram as far as I know, it's like the blue screen before Bios on the windows. either you are extremely unlock and the ram barrets came faulty either you could try some technics bellow: open the ram socket if you are not unlucky enough to had taken one of the latest 21" (if you can't access the ram than go see bellow for doing a NVRAM/PRAM reset, it's about the only thing you could try as far my knowledge ) that doesn't come with quick ram access, if you have the old or a 27" recent than proceed, try first pushing depper the ram inside its sockets, be gentle those computers aren't fragile but everything can happen go with love... After presing the barrets deper try to start if the same error happen try now switching places, take them out and inverse places try again, if again not try starting only with one to check if one got mad, if this again failed and you didn't solve, try doing a NVRAM/PRAM reset (easy to do ) link If everything...
Devamını okuI fix iPhones screens, I am not sure you have the same issue but it could be. The iPhone I was fixing took me quite a while, I tried the poor mans way ( taking every piece glass etc..) a TOTAL fiasco the lcd under it was already totally totally scratched nothing to do so I ordered the whole digitizer + LCD I first install I had a horrible screen it wasn't just working, blue screen or pink screen not sure now, I got pale so nervous I was, my client was waiting upstair for me to finish. I fixed by basicly plugin in and out a bit stronger and making sure its perfectly connected I applied much more strenght, and it worked, but than I got the bad surprise that it was a huge line on the left side, just like a internal crack, in the end was just a printed image on the LCD and after some days of usage it was gone. Try first by resetting your iPod power, Hold the power button + the home button together till the phones shut itself up and the show blue (or hopefully ) the apple comes up. Good luck, Try cleaning...
Devamını okuHey guys, So alex not much to say, I would say you first hold the power button for a while 20 seconds for example, make sure the battery is properly plugged, take the battery out wait some seconds and put it back again, and insert charger on, if this fails then you will have to open your device again :/. Try holding as well power and volume up, for a while, looks to me either is a battery problem, or a bad connection inside. If you open make sure every single connection is properly connected, and make a clean of every connector specially the power ones use a 99% alcohol, and a soft tooth brush and some cotton buds, you would be surprised how the fat of our fingers can block connections, your next door pharmacist will probably have it (I live in Germany and its pretty fun, every time I go to buy I have to convince them for 30m. That is for electrical purposes and not for partying). if you follow those above procedures, I would say you have good good chances that your phone is back to life including the sensors
Devamını okuHey Andrew, If you really did every software possible action on your opnion, I could only strongly think and suggest that you make your laptop fixed by your warranty, before it runs out. seems to me there is either the front keyboard and trackpad are not fully plugged inside or that they are progressively damaged at one future point it could fully stops. I cant really suggest much more. if you would like you could try that: I always get my computers driver using this French website, they are really good to find the right drivers, this website managed to find drivers I never ever tough would find. I would recommend you to uninstall every trackpad driver and than go to this website(Link a bit bellow). You could use google translate to give a extra translation and get whats going on. I did some quick screenshots showing you by some quick explanation were to go, you will need to install some plugins in between step 1 and 3 I could take a pic because I already installed it ;). Cheer...
Devamını okuAfter some google I think I found your solution on this link here --> http://ipod.about.com/od/iphonetroublesh...-Stuck-At-Apple-Logo.htm
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