Öğrenci Katkılı Viki
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Camera not powering on
Camera would not respond or show any signs of power.
Power button not working
This could be due to a variety of reasons. If the button is jammed, refer to replacing the power button guide
Battery is not charged
Charge the battery, then put in charged battery, then try power button again.
Zoom capabilities not working
Camera will not zoom in or out
Batteries are low
Check the battery power, charge if needed and try again.
Dropped Camera
When the camera is dropped there is a possibility that there is an internal obstruction in the lens. This can cause a stoppage in the lens. Refer to the replacing lens guide for further instruction
Battery not charging
The battery is dead and not powering camera
Charging cord is not working properly
Check if the camera lights up when connected to charger. If camera shows no signs of receiving power the charging cord may be defective and a new one should be purchased.
Battery is defective
When connecting camera to charger, it lights up showing that is charging and when its time to use camera without charger it doesn't power on. Open the battery compartment and the button of the camera and check that battery doesn't have any dirty terminals, clean terminals if it does and try to charge it again. If that didn't work is time to replace the battery.
Settings wheel is not spinning
The settings wheel appear not move or be stuck.
Settings wheel not spinning due to grime/blockage
When there is difficulty turning the wheel or it does not turn the setting wheel might have grime in it. If this is the case then spinning the setting wheel can break up the the grime and solve the issue. If this doesn't work you will need to take off the setting wheel and clean the wheel and the gear to insure their is no blockage.
Setting wheel is locked
If the setting wheel is locked up then there is blockage or setting wheel is broken.
Setting wheel is broken/Settings not changing
If the setting wheel is not spinning or is spinning but settings is not changing then the setting wheel can be broken. If this is the case the setting wheel needs to be taken out and checked. If it is actually broken it will need to be replaced. In cases where the setting wheel is not broken but settings are still not changing their might be an issue in the software.
Camera is not taking photos
You have tried to take photos but nothing is displayed on the screen.
Camera Is Not On
Make sure the camera is turned on. If it does not turn on despite having charge and/or charged batteries, the power button might need to be replaced.
Low Charge
Sometimes the camera does not take photos due to extremely low power. Make sure the battery has enough power or if the camera is plugged in, it has enough charge.
The Lens Is Not Showing i.e. Not Out Of The Cover
If the lens does not come out of the cover despite the camera being on and having enough battery power/charge, the lens might be stuck. It will need a disassembly and cleaning to let it come out of the cover. The lens may also be defective, in which case, it will need to be replaced.
The Shutter Button Is Not Taking Photos
After making sure that there are no other issues, if the shutter button cannot take photos despite being pressed, the camera might not be on photo taking mode. Make sure to have it in the photo taking mode using the settings wheel. If the shutter still does not take photos, it might not be clicking all the way down due to being broken, in which case it will need to be replaced.
9 Yorum
batteries are fully charged and the camera has not been dropped. I was taking photos and went to zoom in on subject and then it stopped. not to zoom in again. what's up? Jeanne
faxt - Yanıt
Hi my camera working but one problem is sometimes when I make the picture the camera automaticly changing things from settings wheel. And in this time I can not take any picture and wait for normal screen. Somebody know where is the problem? Thank you
Blanka - Yanıt
Same problem here. Any solutions on this? Much appreciated. Thanks.
Glenn Simon Latonero -
Hi Blanka
i have the same problem with my Samsung WB850f camera,
have you tried getting another battery and seeing if the battery that you are using is drawing to much charge and when it happens on low charge or full charge. If its fine on full charge and as the battery drains then it happens it happens then its the battery. The other option is issue in the software that is causing the setting to change while you trying to take a photo
a.dinino - Yanıt
My Samsung Camera WB850F is leaking a sticky substance. What can it be if not the battery?
Ian Blyth - Yanıt