1.Connect your GoPro to your computer. (Alternatively, you can also just insert your
microSD card using an SD card adapter)
2.Download the file from the link at the bottom of this post
3.Extract the zipped folder
4.Copy the contents of the folder and paste its content to the root folder of your GoPro’s microSD card.
5.Paste the whole “UPDATE” folder to your GoPro’s root folder. The files must be in a folder with the name “UPDATE”, otherwise it won’t work.
6.Unplug your GoPro. It should automatically turn off.
7.Turn it back on. Your GoPro should display now that it’s updating. Once it’s done it will turn off again.
8.You can turn it back on now and connect to its WiFi network with your device using the default login:
Network name (SSID): GoProHero
Network password: goprohero
'''Download link, replace the $ with a period after net because otherwise it'll delete my answer''' http://trendblog$net/download/files/GoPro_Hero3+_Black_WiFi_Reset.zip